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More Green Job Links |
Links and resources to help you find
meaningful, rewarding work mostly related to environment, conservation
and sustainability, in Canada and beyond.
Note: this
page has been completely revised and rewritten, here: Green Job Links.
The old version is below, with some additional sections yet to be
(1) Green Job Listings & Career Resources – Canada – USA/International
(2) Other Job Listings & Career Resources (that include at least some
environmental listings)
(3) Employment-Related Groups, Events, Resources & Links
(4) Books, Bookstores
& Libraries
(5) Magazines,
Magazine Editions, Articles
(6) More Employment &
Volunteering Links (incl.
Job Search
Tips, Youth
Employment, Small Business, Rethinking
(7) Education,
Apprenticeship, Internship, Mentorship, Training (new)
(8) Green Business
& Ecological Economics
(9) Subscribe to
GoodWork – green jobs by e-mail
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Job Sites & Lists – Canada
GoodWork Canada – Canada's green jobs gateway since 2001.
Employment in environment, sustainability, conservation and related
themes. New postings online daily. Job listings, contracts, internships, RFP's. Large directory of environmental
organizations, links and resources. www.GoodWorkCanada.ca .
ECO Canada
(Environmental Careers Organization) – Focuses
primarily on technical and scientific positions, traditionally from the
environment industry. In addition to a large job board, ECO provides a
variety of environment-industry related services to industry,
educational institutions and government. Founded in 1992 as part of
Canada's sector council initiative. www.eco.ca
Canadian Environment Network (RCEN) – network of environmental groups and organizations across
Canada. Click on "Regional Networks" to see the provincial networks.
Each region is different; look for listings on each regional website,
their e-mail lists, or browse their directories of groups (online or in
print). www.cen-rce.org
More Green Jobs
– see also the green
jobs gateway; green job
search tips; google's
directory of environmental employment in other countries; and below, general
employment & volunteering links.
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Environmental Job Sites
& Lists
America / USA & International
Green Dream
Jobs – business jobs, environmental jobs, environmentally
responsible employers (USA & some Canada) www.sustainablebusiness.com/jobs/
Environmental Careers Page http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/8974/
or www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~envjobs/
/ Ejobs – listings of environmental opportunities &
resources in the USA & Canada www.ecoemploy.com
www.ejobs.org Ontario links: www.ejobs.org/states/ontnon.html
Career – USA www.environmental-jobs.com
Jobs & Internships – "entry and mid-level
environmental and social justice jobs suitable for students and
relatively recent college grads" (USA) www.envirocitizen.org/enet/jobs/
Discussion List (mostly USA) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EnviroJobs/
UK Environment Jobs &
Volunteering – www.environmentjob.co.uk
International – volunteer, work-exchange & apprenticeship
opportunities on organic gardens, farms & businesses around the
world – see www.planetfriendly.net/wwoof.html
and www.wwoof.org See also: www.planetfriendly.net/organic.html
More –
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(2) – Other Job
Listings & Career Sites
(including but not focusing on Environment)
Networks (Canada) – jobs with a variety of
Canadian organizations, mostly related to non-profit and community work
See also their "community" homepage: http://community.web.ca
Village (Canada) – Jobs & volunteer positions in a
wide variety of non-profits & charities in Canada. Also: news,
resources, guides, events (under "Learn"), and links to non-profit
& charitable organizations. To find environmental job listings,
select "Search Jobs", on "Jobs", then do a keyword search for
"environmental". www.charityvillage.com
/ Action Without Borders (USA & International) –
listings of over 27,000 nonprofit and community organizations in 153
countries; search or browse by name, location or mission. Thousands of
volunteer opportunities around the world and hundreds of job &
internship listings. Health, environment, media, women's issues, race,
human rights, arts, disaster relief, much more. Based in the USA, but
has listings around the world. www.idealist.org
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(3) Employment-Related
Groups, Events, Resources & Links
Environmental Professionals (YEP) (Canada) – has active
chapters in Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver. The Toronto
chapter, for example, has informal networking meetings (sometimes with
speakers offering great career tips & ideas) the second Thursday of
each month from Sept. to May. "Drop by after work and share your
interests, aspirations and stories. New folks are always welcome. Fun,
networking, learn about new initiatives & jobs, professional
development. YEP is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to
serving the environmental decision-makers of the 21st century. We are
skilled, energetic professionals roughly between the ages of 25 and 40,
who are dedicated to environmental improvement through our work in
business, government, academe, associations, and non-profits." www.yepcanada.ca yep@yepcanada.ca Free, downloadable
Environmental Career Toolkit: www.yepcanada.ca/resource.htm
Sustainability Network (Canada)
– offers monthly "Breakfast Forums" in Toronto; regular skills
development workshops on topics ranging from fundraising to conflict
resolution, to internet skills; and valuable print and on-line
resources. The best way to stay informed of their events &
offerings is to go to their website and subscribe to their monthly
e-mail bulletin. sustain.web.net
People- & Planet-Friendly – website, e-mail lists and forum. A portal to peace,
environment, sustainable living and related topics and themes. Portals &
Guides are unique, comprehensive collections of links and resources
on selected themes. Popular E-mail Newsletter
comes out every month or so, offering useful news and resources. Calendar of events,
conferences, learning and networking opportunities, plus links to other
calendars. www.planetfriendly.net
For A Green Economy (Toronto) – Excellent speakers &
networking in Toronto each month. Each month focuses on a specific
issue; be sure to hang around for the networking & announcements
that follow. To hear about their upcoming events, subscribe to their
e-mail list: sfp@web.ca (specify that
you wish to subscribe to the Coalition For A Green Economy e-mail
list). www.web.net/ecorecov/
(at the time of writing their website doesn't seem to have been updated
in a while, but they have been holding monthly events)
Green Economics (website,
book & two courses in Toronto) – in addition
to the book "Designing The Green Economy: the Postindustrial
Alternative to Corporate Globalization" and the website,
Brian Milani offers two courses in Toronto: (1) The Green
Economy: Practical Strategies for Creating Community-based
Eco-economies; and (2) Economic Crisis and Sustainable Community
Development. www.greeneconomics.net
CareerCycles Getaways –
summer weekend getaways in Prince Edward County,
Ontario. What's your decent work? 3-day getaway led by professional
career counselor gets your mind active about career renewal while your
body gets active outdoors. Improve your existing work/life balance...
or begin a process of change. Structured process helps you assess your
situation and identify options. $495 incl. program, accom., meals.
Info/register: Mark Franklin www.careercycles.com 416-465-9183 markfranklin@sympatico.ca
Your Own Project or Job! – When most people look for work,
they compete for existing jobs. Why not create your own? There's no
lack of options. Do some research, networking, and if you think it
would help, take some training. Then call or write a proposal to an
organization that interests you, demonstrating how your project or idea
could help them achieve their goals. If they like your idea, they might
be able to help you fundraise for it. Or you could write a grant
proposal or propose other revenue-generating ideas, for their
consideration. If you can't find an existing organization that would be
a good match ...start your own.
Existing Environmental Groups and Organizations in Canada www.planetfriendly.net/ecoportal.html
How to Start a Project, Nonprofit or Charity www.charityvillage.ca/cv/guides/guide4.asp
Start a Business www.planetfriendly.net/goodworklinks.html#smallbusiness
Project Management Resources http://sustain.web.ca/cbt/internetres.htm
Funding/Fundraising Resources: http://sustain.web.net,
click "Capacity Building Tools", "Other", "Internet Resources", or go
directly to: http://sustain.web.ca/cbt/int-fundraising.htm
Activism Resources www.planetfriendly.net/active.html
Become the Media www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#become
Other Eco-Gateways & Links www.planetfriendly.net/directory.html
Designing a Livelihood – Do What You Love
& Love What You Do (article, Natural Life Magazine,
Nov/Dec 2002) www.life.ca/nl/88/livelihood.html
Right Livelihood Resources:
Design A Livelihood! (web page) – How can you design your work life so
it is an expression of your gifts and makes a contribution to the
world? How can you make your time at work meaningful? www.yesmagazine.org/17work/resourcesrightlivelihood.html
Simple Living / Voluntary Simplicity
– www.life.ca/home/simplicity/
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(4) Books, Bookstores, Libraries,
Resource Centres
The ECO Guide to Careers That Make a Difference:
Environmental Work for a Sustainable Future (book) "...we've
invited nineteen exceptional experts to discuss the nature of our
global environmental and sustainability issues and review the
strategies and tactics that professionals are using to address them.
Each chapter also includes a "Career Spotlight" of an organization with
creative professionals who are making a difference." www.eco.org | www.eco.org/site/c.dnJLKPNnFkG/b.942853/k.A8B4/Books_and_Reports.htm
The Complete Guide to Environmental Careers in the 21st
Century (book) "...a completely revised and updated edition of
what has become the standard reference on the subject. Organized for
ease of use and fully updated to reflect ongoing changes in
environmental fields, it is the most comprehensive and reliable
resource available for anyone seeking information about environmental
career opportunities and how to get started in one." www.eco.org | www.eco.org/site/c.dnJLKPNnFkG/b.942853/k.A8B4/Books_and_Reports.htm
Get a Life (book) – "how to make a good
buck, dance around the dinosaurs, and save the world while you're at it
... one hundred and one ways to tread lightly on Mother Earth, make
bags of money, simplify your life, have a blast, keep fit and save your
sanity while everything is crumbling all around you", by Wayne Roberts
and Susan Brandum. Published in Toronto, Canada, 1995, by Get A Life
Publishers. www.web.net/ecorecov/info/getalif1.htm
Review: www.eye.net/eye/issue/issue_12.02.93/NEWS/env1202.php
Buy from Chapters/Indigo: chapters.indigo.ca
(search for "get a life" "wayne roberts" - quotes included)
Making a Living While Making a Difference (book)
– by Melissa Everett, New Society Publishers www.hvw.com/realwork/ www.newsociety.com/bookid/3690
Your Money or Your Life (book) – by Joe
Dominguez, Vicki Robin (The New Road Map Foundation) ISBN 0140286780. www.newroadmap.org
Losing Your Job, Reclaiming Your Soul (book)
Chelsea Green Publishers www.chelseagreen.com
Natural Life Books - Livelihood www.life.ca/livelihood/
Ecological Economics & Economic Justice Books www.serve.com/ecobooks/cat_econ.htm
More Great Books, Bookstores, Libraries & Resource
Centres – for more books, go to your local bookstore or
library and check out the sections on careers/employment, environment,
economics, self-help, etc. For a listing of progressive publishers,
bookstores, libraries and mail order services in Toronto and Canada,
see: www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#books
A great selection of books & resources can also be found at your
local Alternative Resource Centre, or at the offices of local
environmental and activist groups www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#resourcecentres
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(5) Magazines, Magazine Editions,
Working For
Life (magazine edition) – spring 2001 edition of Yes!
magazine, some articles are on-line. (1) Why work? Work dumbs us down,
wears us out, and uses us up. So why do it? Let's initiate a Golden Age
of Play; (2) Real Vacations For All – Why do affluent, super-productive
Americans get two weeks or less of vacation while Europeans get four to
six weeks? (3) Now I Become Myself – a vocation does not come from "out
there." It's what you find when you reclaim your original gifts. (4)
The White Dog's Tale – restaurateur Judy Wicks breaks all the rules.
She pays a living wage. She uses expensive meat from humanely raised
animals. She holds Table Talks on social and environmental issues. And
she makes money, too. (5) Right Livelihood Resources –Ready to take
back your life? Some resources to help you take the plunge. (6) State
of the Possible III – The Positive Futures Network brings together
innovators and activists to build bridges among diverse groups, all
working for nothing less than social transformation. www.yesmagazine.org/17work/17toc_main.htm
Green Jobs, Good Work! (magazine
edition) – winter 2001 edition of Alternatives Journal, Canada's
environmental journal. Articles: The job-spend treadmill exhausts us
& the planet (Anders Hayden); Green & Growing "environmental
job numbers now match those for the traditional sectors such as oil,
chemicals & steel" (Gary Gallon); Thinking out of the Blue Box (L.
Gallant & D. Taschereau); Major unions push for jobs AND
environment (Jennifer Penney); more. Also: 3rd annual annotated
directory of Graduate Environmental Studies Programs. Current &
back issues can be ordered by mail, phone, fax, email, or online. www.alternativesjournal.ca/271/
Sustaining Livelihoods (magazine
edition) – spring 2002 edition of Alternatives
Journal, Canada's environmental journal. Table of Contents and some
articles are on line; order the back-issue to get the full edition. www.alternativesjournal.ca/282/default.htm
Natural/Sustainable Livelihoods (articles)
– a variety of on-line articles on making a healthy, natural
livelihood, from Natural Life Magazine www.life.ca/livelihood/
Beginning/Building An Environmental
Career (downloadable Word or PDF document) – preparation
basics (résumé development; business cards; email
account; research (know the target organization; know the target skills
required); job websites (both mainstream & environmental);
networking and spreading the word; volunteering. www.yepcanada.ca/resource.htm
Green@Work Magazine (US) – www.greenatworkmag.com
Corporate Knights Magazine (Canadian)
– www.corporateknights.ca
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(6) More Employment & Volunteering
Job Search Tips, Career Tips, Books & Resources
GoodWork Tips www.planetfriendly.net/goodworktips.html
The 'Hidden' Eco-Job Market www.planetfriendly.net/hiddenjobs/
Wanted: Positive Person www.planetfriendly.net/gwd.php?id=2286
More: www.charityvillage.ca/cv/FAQ/faq_cc_user_15.html
(click on "Resources/Links")
Follow Your Bliss www.jcf.org/bliss-stories.php
Follow Your Calling www.google.com/search?q=calling+career
| http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocation
Right Livelihood www.yesmagazine.org/article.asp?id=420
| www.google.ca/search?q=%22right+livelihood%22
Do What You Love www.life.ca/nl/88/livelihood.html
| www.google.ca/search?q=%22do+what+you+love%22
Work for Life www.yesmagazine.org/default.asp?id=78
Environment & Nonprofit Employment
Environmental Employment in other countries directory.google.com/Top/Science/Environment/Employment/
Nonprofit Employment & Executives directory.google.com/Top/Society/Organizations/Nonprofit_Resources/Employment/
Nonprofit Resources directory.google.com/Top/Society/Organizations/Nonprofit_Resources/
Youth Employment (many youth opps can also be found elsewhere on this
page, above and below)
Youth Employment Information (Canadian Government) www.youth.gc.ca
Youth Opportunities Ontario (Ontario Gov't Programs) www.youthjobs.gov.on.ca
More: http://directory.google.com/Top/Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Employment/Youth_Resources/
International / Overseas Work
& Volunteering
green/sustainable international
development jobs
PlanetVolunteer's international
Other Listings, Gateways & Services Work
Abroad | Volunteer
Abroad | NGOabroad
Opportunities | Volunteer
Travel | Working
Holidays | Study
Abroad | Educational
Travel | Exchange
Programs (2)
& Sustainable Travel | Wwoof (2) | Ecovillages
& Sustainable
Development: Organizations
| Ecovillages
Development Organizations: Worldwide
(2) | Canada - directory - by
Volunteering –
Environment, Conservation & Peace
Canadian Environmental Groups & Organizations www.planetfriendly.net/ecoportal.html
Planet Volunteer (Canada) www.PlanetVolunteer.net
Environment Canada Volunteers www.ec.gc.ca/volunteers-benevoles/
Environmental Volunteer Network (Greater Toronto Area) www.trca.on.ca/events/volunteer/
Peace Groups in Canada www.acp-cpa.ca/en/group_directory.html
Volunteering – General (sometimes includes
Volunteer Canada www.volunteer.ca
Charity Village Volunteer Board www.charityvillage.com/applicant/volunteer.asp (Canada)
Volunteer Opportunities Exchange www.voe-reb.org (Canada)
Volunteer Toronto www.volunteertoronto.on.ca
and www.google.com/search?q=volunteer+toronto
Why Volunteer? www.volunteer.ca/volworks/why.htm
Working with Volunteers (tips & resources) www.planetfriendly.net/volunteer/management.html
/ Business Start-Up Resources
First, go to your local library, bookstore or career centre
and ask for their small business resources. Better yet, speak to
someone who has started a green, ethical business – conduct an information
interview. For some links to such businesses, see our Green Gifts page, Sustainable Living
Links, EcoPortal,
Centres & Places. For some links to businesses in Toronto, see
also Toronto The Better.
Mostly mainstream (for green & alternative links see
paragraph above)
Canadian: Your Own Business (articles, books & on-line
course) www.life.ca/hb/ (2)
Minding Your Own Business (online
on deciding whether to start your own)
Canadian Business Service Centres www.cbsc.org
Starting a Business in Ontario www.ontario-canada.com
Small Business Enterprise Centres (across Ontario)
www.ontario-canada.com/ontcan/en/expanding/ex_sm-bus-ent-ctrs.jsp locations: (2)
Self Employment Assistance (SEA) www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/epb/sid/cia/grants/self-emp/desc_self-emp.shtml
(see also SEDI)
BusinessGateway.ca (Government of Canada) www.businessgateway.ca
More Entrepreneurship / Self-Employment / Small Business
Resources www.yorku.ca/careers/students_entrep.htm
Community Economic Development Links www.torontoced.com/links/
USA-based: www.sba.gov/starting_business/
More... Small Business Links http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/Small_Business/
Canada http://directory.google.com/Top/Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Employment/Self-Employment/
Small Business Start-Up Links http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/Small_Business/Start_Up
Small Business Resources http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/Small_Business/Resources/
More Business Links http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/
Green Business Resources
Corporate Knights www.corporateknights.ca
Ten Solutions for Business www.earthfuture.com/stormyweather/links/links6.asp
Sustainable Business Resource Directory www.sustainablebusiness.com/resource_directory/
GreenBiz.com www.greenbiz.com
Products For Green Living www.planetfriendly.net/living.html
Energy & Environment Industry http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/Energy_and_Environment/
Businesses for Social Responsibility www.cbsr.ca
Questioning Business www.planetfriendly.net/business.html
Environmental & Alternative Media www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html
More: www.greenmarketing.com/other_resources.html
Rethinking Work
Rethinking Work http://directory.google.com/Top/Society/Work/Rethinking_Work/ | more | more | more
Voluntary Simplicity http://directory.google.com/Top/Society/Lifestyle_Choices/Voluntary_Simplicity/
Work-related Issues & Links http://directory.google.com/Top/Society/Work/
Mainstream/General Employment
Employment, Careers & Job Search http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/Employment/
Canada: http://directory.google.com/Top/Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Employment/
Human Resources Development Canada www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/menu/jobs.shtml
HRDC Human Resources Centres (locations across Canada) www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/menu/profile-search.shtml#profile
Ontario: http://directory.google.com/Top/Regional/North_America/Canada/Ontario/Business_and_Economy/Employment/
Toronto: http://directory.google.com/Top/Regional/North_America/Canada/Ontario/Localities/T/Toronto/Business_and_Economy/Employment/
Ottawa: http://directory.google.com/Top/Regional/North_America/Canada/Ontario/Localities/O/Ottawa/Business_and_Economy/Employment/
Other communities: http://directory.google.com/Top/Regional/North_America/Canada/Ontario/Localities/
MLM, Network & Referral Marketing
Opportunities – plus Opposing Views, Warnings &
Human Resources &
Volunteer Management
Human Resources Management & Recruitment Links (mainsteam)
| http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recruitment
Volunteer Management www.planetfriendly.net/volunteer/management.html
Volunteer Management Handbook www.evergreen.ca/en/resources/toolshed/hands/
Volunteer Resources & Management www.charityvillage.com/guides/guide1.asp
Volunteer Management (Google search) www.google.com/search?q=%22volunteer+management%22
Human Resources & Volunteer Mgt. Links (provided by the
Sustainability Network)
For more resources on employment & volunteer
opportunities, visit the offices of your local environmental group or
favourite charity. Also the local volunteer centre (see www.volunteer.ca e.g. www.volunteertoronto.on.ca),
HRDC Human
Resources Centre, or the employment centre at your school or
university. |
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(7) Education, Apprenticeships,
Mentorships, Internships, Training
Learning Centres & Places – Places you can go to learn, experience and
participate in hands-on activities related to sustainable living and
other People- & Planet-Friendly themes. Includes organic gardens,
nature retreats, strawbale houses, wilderness trips, solar-powered
homesteads, ecovillages, intentional community, permaculture,
alternative schools, more. Offering guided tours & demos,
workshops, courses, outdoor activities, school programs, volunteer
opportunities, wwoofing, apprenticeships, site rentals, more. Many of these places offer volunteer, paid or business
opportunities www.planetfriendly.net/learn.html
Apprenticeships, Internships, Mentorships
– It is possible to arrange an
informal apprenticeship with a green and ethical business or
organization of interest to you. To find a potential apprenticeship or
mentor, try Learning
Centres & Places; Sustainable Living
Links; or the Environmental
Portals page. Wwoofing
can also lead to excellent apprenticeships in organics or sustainable
living. The Ontario Government offers a trade apprenticeship program.
Here are a few examples related to GoodWork themes: arborist (trees);
carpenter; child & youth worker; cook; dairy herdsperson; fruit
grower; horticultural technician. For these and many more, see: www.edu.gov.on.ca/skills.html
(4). Internship links:
Environmental Education, College &
University Programs in Canada, the USA & beyond www.planetfriendly.net/learn.html#schools
(section 8). See also the Eco-Portals page: www.planetfriendly.net/ecoportal.html
Resource Centres, Groups & Gathering
Places www.planetfriendly.net/learn.html#resourcecentres
(section 3). See also the Eco-Portals page: www.planetfriendly.net/ecoportal.html
Courses, Workshops, Conferences, Events
– Participating in events of interest to
you can be very educational. It can also help you make friends,
contacts and eventually find or create an opportunity. See the People- &
Planet-Friendly Calendar and our links to other calendars.
Click here to learn how to make the
most of conferences and events. See also section 3, above, for some
organizations that hold events related to the search for good work.
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(8) Green Business & Ecological
For a look at the bigger picture – how to create a
sustainable economy where good, meaningful work is the norm, not the
exception – try the following links.
Eco-Economy: Save The Planet (and Prosper). How
do you rebuild the economy without destroying the earth? "The
principals of ecology are as real as those of aerodynamics. If an
aircraft is to fly, it has to stisfy certain criteria of thurst &
lift. Likewise, if an economy is to sustain progress, it must satisfy
the basic principles of ecology. If it does not, it will decline and
eventually collapse. There is no middle ground. An economy is either
sustainable or it is not. This month, Lester Brown explores what the
new economy would look like." With examples of eco-economic industries;
sunset industries; expanding professions. Excerpt from Lester Brown's
new book, "Eco-Economy". The Ecologist (magazine) Vol 31 No.10, Dec
2001 / Jan 2002. www.theecologist.org
www.earth-policy.org www.earth-policy.org/Books/
Ecological Economics & Economic Justice Books www.serve.com/ecobooks/cat_econ.htm
Natural Capitalism www.naturalcapitalism.org
The Natural Step www.naturalstep.ca www.naturalstep.org
Green Economics www.greeneconomics.net
Environmental Economics http://directory.google.com/Top/Science/Social_Sciences/Economics/Environmental_Economics/
Green Economics www.greenparty.on.ca/agm/agm2001/re-electfrankdejong/issues.html#economics
The Commons www.planetfriendly.net/commons.html
The Race To The Bottom www.villageorpillage.org
Questioning Business www.planetfriendly.net/business.html
Committee For Monetary & Economic Reform (COMER)
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