More Planet-Friendly Quotes
(a People- &
Planet-Friendly Portal & Guide)
"Only when the last tree has died... and
the last river has been poisoned... and the last fish has
been caught... will we realize that we cannot eat
money." - 19th century Cree saying "No country not experiencing a revolution or a military defeat with a subsequent occupation has probably ever had as rapid or as widespread an increase in inequality as has occurred in the United States in the past two decades". - Lester Thurow, MIT economist "The single most important contribution any of us can make to the planet is a return to frugality." - Robert Muller, former U.N. Asst. Secretary General "The future of one of the earth's most vital resources is being determined by those who profit from its overuse and abuse". - unknown origin "If Ibsens Enemy of the People were alive today, he would recognize the ethic that has informed capitalist and communist countries alike - economic growth before public health and well-being. The true enemies of the people ar those who continue to sacrifice our long-term interests for short-term gains. But perhaps we should all look in the mirror." - Susanna York "The vested interests are enormous...the same companies that make a lot of the polluting chemicals also make a lot of the cancer treatment drugs." - Sharon Batt "Where once the student was taught that the unexamined life was not worth living, he is now taught that the profitably lived life is not worth examining." - Benjamin Barber "Why does saving the world have to be cost-effective when destroying it isn't?" - Ralph Torrie "You can't have an economy anywhere except inside the environment." - Ralph Torrie "If there's a time to become fully engaged, it's now." - Sharon Batt |
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