Local and Organic!
Food, Gardening,
Agriculture, Eating, Learning, Growing, Working...
a People & Planet Gateway & Guide to everything
organic in Canada and beyond
(A) Why Organic?
(1) What's the big deal? What's
in it for me?
(2) Why organic? Why local?
(B) Eating Organic
& Local
(3) How
& Where to Buy Organic
(4) Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
(5) Farmers Markets
(C) Learning &
Experiencing Organic
(6) Gardening
and Farming Tips, Information & Supplies
(7) Books, Magazines, Journals
(8) Organizations & Websites
(9) E-mail Newsletters & Discussion Lists
(10) Events, Conferences, Trade Shows, Festivals
(11) Volunteer,
Work Exchange, Barter, Wwoof
(12) Learning Centres, Ecovillages & CSA's
(13) Workshops & Short Courses
(14) University and College Courses & Programs
(D) Jobs,
Apprenticeships & Business Opps.
(15) Organic
Farms, Gardens & Businesses
(16) Job, Apprenticeship & Volunteer Listings
(17) Tips for Apprentices, Volunteers & Job Seekers
Revised: Organic Jobs · Organic Events & Conferences · Organic Volunteering
"Organic farming isn't about turning back the clock, it's about moving forward." Dr. David Suzuki (2)
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(A) Why Local & Organic? |
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(1) What's the big deal?
What's in it for me? We all eat. But few of us know what is in our food, what the risks are to ourselves or to society in general. We trust that healthy and ample food will appear, like magic, in the grocery store. We trust the corporations, the "food system", that creates this apparent miracle. And when the experts say it's the best way, most of us believe them (see www.prwatch.org). But there are troubling questions. What are the effects of agri-chemicals on consumers, farmers, farms, and the environment? Can industrialized, monocultural agriculture provide a secure food supply? What are the root causes of cancer and other disease? How can we best feed a growing population? Who are the vested interests, and who can be believed? Most importantly, what can you do as a consumer, a worker, an activist, a citizen? Whether you are an eater, a gardener, a job seeker, an activist or a business person, you will find something of interest on this page. From good food boxes, to gardening tips, to food-tasting festivals... from weekend workshops, to university programs... from organic getaways, to world travel... from hands-on volunteer experiences, to life-long careers. You will also find links to related topics such as permaculture, solar and wind power, strawbale construction, and ecovillages. A cornucopia of opportunities, waiting to be discovered, experienced, and tasted! Peter Blanchard (contact) The Farm Crisis, Bigger Farms, the Myths of "Competition" and "Efficiency" (2) |
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(2) Why organic? Why local?
Why Organic?
Articles and quotes that answer the questions: Why organic seeds?
Why organic gardening? Why organic food? Why Certified Organic?
on Earth is Organic? | Ten
Reasons Why Organic Food Is Better | Why Organic | Ten Good
Reasons to Go Organic | Top 10 Reasons
To Grow Your Own Organic Food | The
Benefits of Organics Sustainability 101 | All About
Organics | Myths
about pesticides, large-scale agriculture, and genetic
engineering | Food, toxins,
environment, health, cancer and other disease | What
is Organic Food? What is Genetic Engineering? Can I really make a
difference? | Gardening
for Life Fact Sheets | More
| More
Why Local?
Why buy local? Google
search results for "why buy local?"
Local purchasing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_purchasing
Community-based economics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community-based_economics
Living economies www.livingeconomies.org/balle/viewPage.cfm?pageId=26
Questioning Big Business... Questioning "Free Trade" Questioning
Business | "Free"
"According to Health Canada, we
receive 80 to 95% of our total daily intake of dangerous
chemicals [...] through our food. Children are especially
vulnerable..." Discover what toxic contaminants the
government is finding in your food; the potential health
effects; what the federal government is or should be
doing; locate retailers in your area who sell alternative
food products; make your voice heard and take action. www.foodwatch.ca Raffi: We're poisoning our children
"Today's produce is full of toxic residue and our
children are most at risk. We need a new pesticide
law". By children's troubadour Raffi Cavoukian,
Feb 25, 2002, the Globe & Mail. Full article
on-line at: Ground-up batteries on your food? "Toxic sludge can be relabeled as fertilizer, spread on food we eat. If you think that eating ground-up car batteries and drinking industrial waste is healthful, don't visit these websites. 'Tis good for many businesses to have their toxic waste relabeled as fertilizer. What the heck, the EPA says 'tis OK. These URLs explain part of the reason why. The process began under Ann Gorsuch, nominated to mismanage the EPA by George Bush Sr. (See book Fateful Harvest for details.) Ironically, many autism-spectrum children are being found to have impaired detoxification (often related to gastrointestinal problems), to have high levels of various toxic metals, and to improve subsequent to gut-healing, nutritional support, and removal of toxic metals (by physician-supervised chelation)". www.safefoodandfertilizer.com www.mail-archive.com/ecofem@csf.colorado.edu/msg08519.html . Toxic Sludge Is Good For You (book) www.prwatch.org/books/tsigfy.html "a cautionary reminder that much of the consumer and political world is created by for-hire mouthpieces in expensive neckties" Protect Farmland, Don't Pave It! www.planetfriendly.net/dontpave.html (article and links to sprawl & smart growth; preservation of agricultural land; landtrusts) |
What is Biodiversity? Why
is it important, what threatens it, and what are ecologists doing
to better understand it?
Seeds of Diversity Canada a non-profit group of
gardeners from coast to coast who save
seeds from rare and unusual garden plants for the purpose of
preserving the varieties.
We are a living gene bank. www.seeds.ca
David Suzuki: Organic Farming
A Realistic Alternative
"According to a landmark 21-year study recently
published in the journal Science, organic farming can
produce good yields, save energy, maintain biodiversity
and keep soils healthy." Article by Dr. David
Suzuki, June 2002 www.davidsuzuki.org/about_us/dr_david_suzuki/article_archives/weekly06070201.asp
(if this link changes, go to www.davidsuzuki.org
and search for organic farming). For more on the need for organic food and sustainable agriculture (plus analyses and solutions) please see the section on Organizations & Websites, below. |
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(B) Eating Organic & Local |
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(3) How & Where to Buy Organic
The nearest natural food store may be the most obvious, but is far from the only option. Other choices include food box/delivery programs; farmers markets; Community Supported Agriculture; buying direct from the farm gate; food co-ops & buying clubs. |
Canada: www.cog.ca/about_organics/buy_organics/
(source: www.cog.ca)
Ontario: www.organicadvocates.org/guide.html
(print booklet or PDF file)
Organic farms & markets: www.consumerhealth.org/links/organic.html
Natural food, health food stores & food co-ops: www.coolhemp.com/en_stores.htm
Canadian Health Food Association www.chfa.ca
Create or join a buying club in Ontario: www.onfc.ca (click on "how to
British Columbia: BC Food Security & Sustainability
Links http://members.shaw.ca/gulfislandsathon/links.htm
Toronto (see also Ontario, above):
Ottawa area: www.cog.ca/chapters/ottawa/ | www.justfood.ca/foodlink.php
USA: www.organic.org
(click "organic marketplace") or www.ncba.org/food.cfm
Consumers' Guide to Eating
Organics, 3rd edition. Info & listings for
consumers, including 300 stores across Ontario, 100
certified-organic farms, a dozen organic delivery
services in Metro Toronto, organic farmers' markets, and
info about organic agriculture & genetically modified
foods. Lists what each farm sells, and when & where
you can buy their products. Print edition: $5 + $2.50
shipping. www.organicadvocates.org/guide.html FREE, downloadable PDF versions: www.organicadvocates.org/stores.pdf www.organicadvocates.org/farms.pdf How to Avoid Genetically Engineered Food (Shoppers Guide) A catalogue of the Genetically Engineered (GE) foods sold in grocery stores across Canada. Provides alternatives to the GE foods currently available, and reveals which companies are taking action for the environment and their customers by removing GE ingredients. It also reveals those which are not. Lists over 1,000 food products and whether or not they are genetically engineered. It is currently the only source of information available to the majority of Canadians who don't want to eat GE food. We hope you find it useful in navigating the unlabelled aisles of Canada's supermarkets. On-line edition: www.greenpeace.ca/shoppersguide/ Print edition: suggested donation $2. To order, call: 1-800-320-7183 or e-mail members@yto.greenpeace.org or visit The Big Carrot, Grassroots or other environmentally responsible stores. Published by Greenpeace Canada: www.greenpeace.ca www.greenpeace.ca/e/campaign/gmo/ The Eco-Foods Guide (book). New book, available fall 2002: Eco-Foods Guide What's Good for the Earth is Good for You! The essential guide to making sense of grocery store aisles. "A lively conversation about accessible solutions eating for health, for the environment, and for ecological values designed to empower consumers to vote with their food dollars for positive alternatives". By Cynthia Barstow, New Society Publishers, 2002. Foreward by Francis Moore Lappe. www.newsociety.com/bookid/3805 www.newsociety.com 1-800-567-6772 (if your bookstore doesn't have it on order, see the stores listed at: www.newleaf-dist.com/retail_stores/stores.htm or try www.google.com/search?q=%22eco-foods+guide%22 ) |
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The Eco-Foods Guide top ten shopping check list
1 Was it grown locally?
2. Is it in season?
3. Was it organic or IPM grown? (Integrated Pest Management)
4. Was it grown at a small family farm?
5. Does it contain GMO's? (Genetically Modified Organisms)
6. Were antibiotics or growth hormones used? Was it factory
raised or free-range?
7. Was it fairly traded and/or sustainably sourced?
8. Could I buy this closer to the farmer, at a farmer's market or CSA? (Community Supported Agriculture)
9. How was it processed or preserved?
10. Does it encourage stewardship?
From the Eco-Foods Guide, by
Cynthia Barstow, New Society Publishers, 2002 (see above listing or: www.newsociety.com/bookid/3805 www.newsociety.com) |
. |
(4) Community Supported Agriculture
(also known as "Community
Shared Agriculture" and sometimes "Consumer Supported
Community Supported Agriculture is a way that you can get fresh, local (often organic) food at affordable prices, while also helping to support a local family farm. |
What is Community Supported Agriculture? Wikipedia | Intro | Articles (2) | Definitions | Search | Google Directory
Find CSA Farms & Gardens:
CSA's across Canada: COG
Directory | Google
Search | CSA's
in Canada
British Columbia / BC: CSA's in
British Columbia
CSA's in Ontario: Community
Supported Agriculture | Google
CSA's in Québec: Community
Supported Agriculture | Agriculture
soutenue par la communauté (ASC) | Google
| francais
CSAs in Atlantic Canada: ACORN
Organic Directory (click 'more')
CSA's in USA: Organic
Home Delivery Services | Wilson
College's CSA
Directory | USA CSA
Databases | National
Agriculture Library: CSA | Google
(also, inquire at your local farmers market or ag. office)
(see also "Where to Buy Organic", above)
. |
(5) Farmers Markets
Farmers markets can include both real, local farmers as well as vendors who are selling food trucked in from elsewhere. Many mainstream markets have at least a few local, organic farmers. Note that most have very limited hours: many are on Saturday. The earlier you arrive, the better the selection will be. Ask the farmers if the food is locally grown, certified organic (and if not, what is their approach to pesticides). Ask if there are other organic farmers at the market. If you're looking for learning opportunities, inquire about volunteering, work-exchange opportunities, apprenticeships, or paid work. |
Farmers Markets Ontario www.farmersmarketsontario.com
(click on "Market Finder").
Canadian Farmers Markets we are not aware of any single
service listing farmers markets across Canada. To find
markets in your area, ask at local community centres, health food
stores, etc. Or contact: Ontario, Manitoba, BC: www.cog.ca/chapters/
Maritimes: www.acornorganic.org
. Or go to www.google.com and
search for "farmers
markets" Alberta or "farmers
market" Alberta, for example, using the quotes as
indicated. Or, try searching for "organic
farmers market" Alberta . Substitute the name of your
province, city or town.
Organic Farmers Markets
Toronto Central: www.farmersmarketsontario.com/marketinfo.php?id=142
238 Queen W. (NW corner of the building) 416-703-4975
Toronto Riverdale Organic Farmers Market, May-Oct, Tuesdays
3-7pm, in the park outside the gates to the farm. elizharr@rogers.com
Toronto West Organic Market, Thursdays 3:30-7pm: vegetables,
cheeses, meats, baked goods, dairy, coffee, wood oven-baked
bread. Dufferin Grove Park, Rink House (on Dufferin btwn. Bloor
& College; south of Dufferin subway; across from Dufferin
Mall). Info: www.dufferinpark.ca/market/market.html
Thornhill: The Village Market www.villagemarket.ca
(Saturdays 9am-2pm, 9100 Bathurst, 1 mile N. of Hwy. 7.
Ottawa Organic Farmers Market http://www3.sympatico.ca/art.ketting/
(Saturdays 10am-2pm, Ecole Parsifal School, Bank & Heron,
behind Canadian Tire) Info: Art Ketting 613-256-4150
If you know of other organic farmers markets in Canada,
please let
us know, as well as www.farmersmarketsontario.com.
(see also "Where to Buy Organic", above)
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(C) Learning & Experiencing Organic |
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(6) Gardening and Farming Tips, Information & Supplies
Some of the entries in this section
will be of primary interest to gardeners (and
those who would like to learn how to garden), while other
entries are of greater interest to organic farmers.
But there is no clear distinction between the two
don't ignore some sections just because you don't
consider yourself a "farmer". For
more information and learning opportunities, see also the
various sections below: Books & Magazines,
Organizations & Websites, Events, Courses, etc. (a) Of interest to both gardeners and farmers Organic Gardening Articles soil; composting; flowers; vegetables; natural lawn care; permaculture; pests and diseases; seed saving; herbs; urban gardening; native plants; more Natural Life Magazine | Organic Landscaping Fact Sheets | Canadian Organic Growers Library (e.g. search for subject "gardening") | OrganicGardening.com | Organic Growing | Organically Minded | OrganicAgInfo | Wikipedia | Google Directory Seeds of Diversity "open-pollinated", heritage varieties which are not genetically engineered and grow well in organic & low input conditions. Canada's heritage seed-saving network. Their website includes an extensive list of Heritage Seed Companies in Canada, USA, England & France. Don't miss their annual "Seedy Saturday" fairs across Canada each spring, offering seed exchanges, workshops, trade show tables, and more. www.seeds.ca . See also the section on "What is Biodiversity", above, for further explanation of why heritage seeds are crucially important. Organic Catalogues Seeds, Plants & Supplies Seed companies & nurseries that sell heirloom and rare or endangered varieties of vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs (see also "Seeds of Diversity", above) Seeds of Diversity Resource List | Cyndi's Catalog of Garden Catalogs (organic, natives, heirloom, perennials, Canadian) Native Plants North American Native Plant Society | Wikipedia | Google Directory Permaculture What is Permaculture? (2) | Permaculture Links (Canada) | Permaculture Activist (website & magazine, incl. links & listings) | Permaculture.net | Google Directory Landscaping & Lawn Care Pesticide-free, low-maintenance gardening with native species, perennials, etc. Do-it-yourself or hire an organic landscaper or organic lawn-care company. Pesticide-free Naturally (Canada) | Organic Landscape Alliance (Ontario) | Society for Organic Urban Land Care (BC) | Gaia College (online course) | Organic Horticulture | Organic Landscaping & Gardening | Ecological Restoration | Naturalization (2) | Native Plants | Xeriscaping | Backyard Habitats | Get Your Lawn Off Drugs "Each year, Americans spend as much on lawn maintenance as the government of India collects in federal tax revenue" Wade Davis, The Globe and Mail, July 6, 2002. Market Gardening What is Market Gardening? | links SPIN Farming (Small Plot Intensive, Urban Vegetable Gardening/Farming) SPIN Farming (see also Urban Agriculture) More gardening and farming info: Google Directory and see also sections below... Community gardening & urban agriculture Community Gardening A
community garden is a shared space used by individuals,
families, or other groups to grow vegetables, fruits,
herbs and flowers for consumption, donation, or sale. It
can be large or small, on the ground or on rooftops, in
plots or in planters. It can be "communal",
where everyone shares the work & the harvest, or,
gardeners can have their own individual plot within the
garden and can also join with others to grow some crops
communally (e.g. zucchini or corn). Toronto Community
Garden Network www.foodshare.net/garden01.htm Why Community Gardens & Urban Farms? healthy food, healthy individuals, healthy community. www.eatwithabandon.com/communitygardens.html www.co.brown.wi.us/uw_extension/gardens.html Community Garden E-Newsletter occasional e-mail newsletter with gardening tips, news, Toronto events, workshops, jobs. Partial archive of back-issues: www.foodshare.net/newsletter_main.htm , www.foodshare.net/garden01.htm Subscribe (free): cgnetwork@foodshare.net Community Gardening Manual: "How Does Our Garden Grow? A Guide To Community Garden Success", published by FoodShare, $25. www.foodshare.net/garden03.htm (b) Primarily for farmers, researchers & business Cyberhelp for Organic Farmers This portal website is geared to improving accessibility to quality organic content online, and upgrading farmers' capacities to access that information. The overall objective is to provide farmers with the tools necessary to function effectively in the new economy. The learning portion of the website has organic production (livestock, vegetable, fruit, specialty crop, greenhouse) information as well as connections to great resources on soil, farm equipment, organic certification and how to use your computer and the Internet. This is the place to learn the organic ropes. On the services side of the website visitors will find timely market information, farming news, a business of farming page and, coming soon, an online farmers' forum and links to an organic helpdesk, supported by a searchable FAQ system. www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/rcbtoa Ecological Agriculture Projects (EAP). Large library of on-line publications; resource centre of over 2,000 books (Montreal, Canada); research services; training; more. The "Virtual Library" main subject categories include: Alternative Agriculture; Crop Production; Cropping Systems; Disbenefits of Conventional Agriculture; Environment; Health and Nutrition; Food; International Development; Livestock Production; Organic Agriculture; Pest Control; Policy and Economics; Soils and Fertilizers. http://eap.mcgill.ca Organic Agriculture Info www.organicaginfo.org (new in 2003) Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Nova Scotia Agricultural College. "Research & education serving all farmers and students, dedicated to enhancing the environmental and social integrity of agriculture". Also: college/university level web-based courses. www.organicagcentre.ca Organic Agriculture, Processing, Marketing, Management (enormous directory of information available on-line) BC Gov't Community InfoBasket (or go to http://infobasket.gov.bc.ca/Infoman/communities/community.asp and click on "Organics". Organic Farming Publications (ATTRA) http://attra.ncat.org/organic.html Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food (OMAF) Organic Crops Factsheets & Infosheets www.gov.on.ca/OMAFRA/english/crops/organic/organic.html Organic
Certification |
. |
(7) Organic Books, Magazines, Journals
Books on Organic Gardening, Farming, Permaculture, Biodynamics Natural Life (online articles; no longer selling books) Rodale Institute www.rodaleinstitute.org/bookstore/home.html Sustainable Living Books (Toronto), hundreds of titles on organic/natural gardening, permaculture, etc. www.sustainablelivingbooks.com jillian@permaculture.net Chelsea Green Publishers www.chelseagreen.com/Garden.htm Home Harvest Books http://homeharvest.com/organicgardeningbooks.htm Permaculture www.permacultureactivist.net/booksvid/BooksnVid.htm (books & videos) The Eco-Foods Guide www.newsociety.com/bookid/3805 Books on food systems & security www.planetfriendly.net/food.html#Resources Canadian Farm Business Management Council www.farmcentre.com/english/products/ (at bottom) Fatal Harvest: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture www.organicandbeyond.org (2) Organic Gardening Magazine News, action, how-to's, message boards, free trial issue. Bi-monthly. www.organicgardening.com (print magazine; only partly online) Canadian Organic Growers publish a quarterly magazine, an e-newsletter, and several handbooks on organic growing such as Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers, Organic Livestock Handbook, Organic Field Crop Handbook and several others. Click on "Publications" at www.cog.ca for book and magazine orders. Or click on "COG Library" at www.cog.ca for access to the mailing library of over 1500 books, audiotapes and articles. EAP Reference Centre "One of the worlds best collections of materials on sustainable food and agriculture systems. It contains over 2,000 books, more than 100 periodicals, nearly 100,000 articles organized in files, and an extensive range of audio-visual materials, collected over a 25 year period. Many of the materials are unpublished or out of print, or otherwise difficult to obtain. The holdings are catalogued in print and electronic form. Visitors have access to a photocopier. Staff are available to help you find what you need. Cost: $10/hour for non-members, free for members". http://eap.mcgill.ca/general/services.htm The Ram's Horn monthly journal of food systems analysis, by the Brewster Kneen, author of Farmageddon.www.ramshorn.bc.ca Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems
Articles & Bibliographies |
. |
"Globally we lose 25 billion tons of fertile topsoil every year, the equivalent of all the wheatfields in Australia" Paul Hawken, The Ecology of Commerce (book) www.serve.com/ecobooks/ecommerc.htm www.planetfriendly.net/dontpave.html |
. |
(8) Organizations & Websites
Visit these websites for news, information, events, resources & opportunities. If you're looking for work or to volunteer, these organizations offer a variety of opportunities in Canada and around the world. If you have an idea about something specific you'd like to do, you could write a grant proposal, and possibly create your own dream job as a "project" of one of these organizations. |
Local, Organic and Sustainable Food, Gardening & Agriculture
Canadian Organic Growers (COG) www.cog.ca
Organic Advocates (Ontario, Canada) www.feastoffields.org/organic_advocates.aspx
Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario (EFAO) www.efao.ca
Organic Council of Ontario www.organiccouncil.ca
Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) www.acornorganic.org
Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca
FarmFolk/CityFolk Society (BC, Canada) www.ffcf.bc.ca
Seeds of Diversity Canada www.seeds.ca
Beyond Factory Farming www.cocanadians.org
and e-mail
Erosion, Technology & Concentration (formerly RAFI) www.etcgroup.org
Biodynamics Ontario www.biodynamics.on.ca
The Corporate Takeover of the "Organic" Food Market www.corporganics.org
EatKind.net www.eatkind.ca
USA & other countries:
Organic Consumers Association (USA) www.organicconsumers.org
Organic Trade Association (North America) www.ota.com
Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) www.panna.org
Farming Solutions - success stories for the future of agriculture
More: directory.google.com/Top/Society/Issues/Environment/Food_and_Drink/Organic_Food/
Other Agriculture
Organizations in Canada (not necessarily organic)
Local Flavour Plus www.localflavourplus.ca
National Farmers Union www.nfu.ca
Christian Farmers Federation www.christianfarmers.org
FoodLink & Buy Local Guides: Waterloo ON | Ottawa
ON | more
(search for your town or city)
Ontario Federation of Agriculture www.ofa.on.ca
Government Agriculture Ministries, Departments &
Agencies in Canada: federal |
More: directory.google.com/Top/Regional/North_America/Canada/Science_and_Environment/Agriculture/
Worldwide: directory.google.com/Top/Science/Agriculture/
Engineering / Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
Canadian Biotechnology Action Network www.cban.ca
Sierra Club of Canada - Biotechnlogy Campaign www.sierraclub.ca | direct
Greenpeace Canada - Genetic Engineering / GMO Campaign home home | shoppers
Council of Canadians - Biotech Campaign www.canadians.org | direct
Big Carrot (natural food store in Toronto, mostly
GMO-free) www.thebigcarrot.ca
US / Global
Genetic Engineering Action Network www.geaction.org
True Food Network www.truefoodnow.org
Ag Biotech Infonet www.biotech-info.net
Biotech Industry Organization (pro-biotech) www.bio.org
Google Directory directory.google.com/Top/Society/Issues/Science_and_Technology/Biotechnology/Genetics/
Food Security, Food
Sovereignty, Food Democracy, Food Politics
Food Secure Canada / Sécurité alimentaire Canada www.foodsecurecanada.org
Community Food Security Coalition (USA) www.foodsecurity.org
Food Security Workgroup & Resources (Ontario) www.opha.on.ca/our_voice/workgroups/food_security.shtml
Centre for Studies in Food Security (Toronto) www.ryerson.ca/foodsecurity/
(with many links)
Toronto Food Policy Council www.toronto.ca/health/tfpc_index.htm
FoodShare (Toronto) www.foodshare.net
BC Food Systems Network www.fooddemocracy.org
Wikipedia: Food
Politics | Food Security
| Food
Sovereignty | Sustainable
Food System
Urban Agriculture &
Community Gardening
Foodshare (Toronto) www.foodshare.net
| direct link
| City
of Toronto
Ottawa Community Garden Network www.flora.org/cgn-rjc/
City Farmer (Canada) www.cityfarmer.org
American Community Gardening Association www.communitygarden.org
Gardeners' Collective (at Univ. of Toronto) http://sgc.sa.utoronto.ca
(see also "Gardening Tips & Information", above)
Organic Landscaping & Gardening
Organic Landscape Alliance (Ontario) www.organiclandscape.org
More: Wikipedia
article | Google
People & Planet's Permaculture Portal www.planetfriendly.net/permaculture.html
More: Google
Directory | Wikipedia
Article | Permaculture
Activist | Permaculture.net
Sprawl, Smart Growth, Farmland
Preservation, Conservation, Regeneration
Protect Farmland, Don't Pave It editorial
| links
& organizations
How to Protect & Preserve the Land You Love article
& portal
Food Co-ops /
Food Co-op Directory: Canada & USA
| Ontario
| British
Columbia | Toronto: Karma
& Big Carrot | Halifax
Ontario Natural Food Co-op / Food Buying Clubs www.onfc.ca | how to form your own
More Co-ops: Canada | Worldwide
| Search
for your own town, city, province or state
USA Co-ops: Co-op
Directory | National
Cooperative Business Association
About Co-ops: Co-op
Info & Links | Wikipedia | Business
Co-ops | Housing
Land Trusts
& Planet's Land Trust Links | Google
Directory | Wikipedia
Canadian Organic Growers COG is the education and networking organization representing farmers, gardeners and consumers across Canada: www.cog.ca . Subscribe to their quarterly Canadian Organic Grower magazine (included in membership, $20/$30/year). For interesting speakers, networking & discussion, or to inquire about local learning & work opportunities, go to a meeting of the local chapter nearest to you. See also the Directory of Organics in Canada (2). |
More Organic & Sustainable Agriculture Links: COG Links | Google
Directory (2)
For more, search the web for combinations of words
such as: food, gardening, agriculture,
organic, environment, ecological, sustainable, permaculture,
organic, biodynamic, herbs,
cooperative, ecovillage, education, learning, workshops, courses,
jobs, employment,
volunteer, volunteering, apprenticeship, internship; plus the
name of your province,
state, or country. Or phrases such as "organic
gardening", etc. (quotes included).
. |
Organic Farming is a Realistic Alternative "Conventional farming produces high yields, but there are also enormous costs pollution of groundwater, rivers, lakes and coastal areas, and reduced soil productivity through nutrient leaching. The use of pesticides and herbicides also kills beneficial non-target species and poses a health risk to farm workers and potentially to consumers. None of these 'external' costs are factored in to the price of conventionally grown crops." Dr. David Suzuki (if this link changes, go to www.davidsuzuki.org and search for organic farming). |
(9) E-Newsletters, Announcement Lists and Discussions
E-mail newsletters and lists related to organic and sustainable food and agriculture: |
Organic-l e-mail Discussion Forum (Canada) Join our discussion forum on organic agriculture issues, research, news and events... Organic-l. Wide-ranging discussions with fellow farmers, researchers, educators, and students. Founded June 2003. www.organicagcentre.ca/discussion_forum.asp (source) Ecological Solutions Roundtable (Canada) an on-line forum for the discussion of ecological solutions to common farming problems. eap.mcgill.ca/disc1_frm.htm (source) BC Organic Farming Newsgroup (British Columbia) a forum for organic farmers throughout BC to post questions, answers and exchange ideas with regards to production and marketing issues. www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/contact/listserve.htm (source) Foodnet-L (Ontario) discussion about food security issues. Ontario Food Security & Nutrition Network. Homepage: www.opha.on.ca/foodnet/ Foodshare Newsletters (Toronto based) e-mail newsletters with news, events, workshops, jobs, organic & community gardening tips. www.foodshare.net/newsletter_main.htm (source) Toronto Food Policy Council About twenty messages a month on food-related conferences & publications, some exceptional articles/reports culled from a wide range of electronic sources and a few reports on the Food Policy Council. To subscribe, email tfpc@toronto.ca (source) Biodemocracy / Organic View (USA based) e-newsletter of news and analysis on genetic engineering, factory farming & organics. www.organicconsumers.org/publications.cfm (source) GoodWork Canada daily postings of jobs and apprenticeships related to organics, environment and sustainability in Canada. www.GoodWorkCanada.ca More Organic & Sustainable Food E-mail Lists www.foodshare.net/links01.htm#2 How to use e-mail and e-mail lists effectively www.planetfriendly.net/emailtips.html |
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(10) Events, Conferences, Trade Shows & Festivals
Organic events tend to be as enjoyable as they are interesting. The people are down to earth, and the atmosphere casual. Many are free, or highly affordable. And if you're looking for opportunities, there's nothing like face-to-face interaction. Bring your questions, and don't hesitate to ask them! There's no such thing as a "dumb" question. Below are some organic-related events, mostly in Canada, plus links to other organic calendars across North America. Many more events and workshops happen with less advance notice; to hear about them before they happen, subscribe to our weekly e-mail newsletter (see also: most recent edition; continuously updated on-line version). Please let us know of upcoming events & activities! |
Annual Events
Events in Canada, USA, plus a few international
events. In order by date.
Guelph Organic Conference & Trade Show. 4 days, annually in late January. Canada's largest public, organic event. Includes free organic trade show & food-tasting fair on Saturday and Sunday, with over 155 exhibitors, free to the public. Over 46 workshops & courses for all levels of interest, novice to experienced grower. Come for one day or all four. At University Centre, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario. www.GuelphOrganicConf.ca More info, sponsorship: Tomas Nimmo 705-444-0923 | organix@auracom.com | Volunteer and receive free entry to workshops: GuelphOrganicConf.ca/be-a-volunteer/ Green Communities National Conference, Annual (January), Canada. Info: Sharyn Inward 705-745-7479 www.gca.ca [topical links, resources, opportunities: Sustainable Living Links ] Eco-Farm & Garden Day, Annual (February), Morrisburg, Eastern Ontario. Speakers, workshops, trade show, organic lunch, more. www.cog.ca/ottawa/ www.cog.ca Seedy Saturdays, Annual (various dates Feb-April), across Canada. An annual series of separate events that have sprung up across the country. A day for gardeners, local seed companies, merchants, and environmental organizations to come together to share and to learn from one another. Find help for your garden; community seed exchange; buy open-pollinated heritage seeds & plants which are not genetically engineered and which grow well in organic and low input conditions (vegetables, fruits, flowers, grains and herbs). Swap table: each item brought to the table allows you to exchange it for another item, anything related to gardening, seeds, plants, cuttings, books, magazines, etc. Workshops on seed saving, biodiversity conservation, organic gardening. www.seedysaturday.ca Seeds of Diversity Canada www.seeds.ca Organic Landscape Alliance Annual Conference (Feb), Toronto. Of interest to seasoned organic professionals; those interested in integrating organic techniques into their existing businesses; novices and anybody interested in the issues of pesticide use and the alternatives. Speakers, break-outs, trade show, gourmet organic lunch. www.organiclandscape.org ACORN Atlantic Organic Conference & Trade Show, Annual (March), Atlantic Canada. Conference tapes available. Info: Atlantic Canada Organic Regional Network (ACORN) www.acornorganic.org Canada Blooms, Annual (March), Toronto. Large mainstream flower & garden show. Be sure to ask the vendors about their use of pesticides and other chemical, water, energy and labour inputs (especially compared to native plants and organic approaches). Read ingredient lists and look for organic certification. Listen critically to any responses about why organic isn't necessary, practical, or affordable. Consider alternative gardening events such as Seedy Saturdays, the Organic Landscape Alliance, the Native Plant Sale, etc. Canada Blooms: www.canadablooms.com All Things Organic Conference & Trade Show, Annual (May), USA. The place to be if you're passionate about organic, want to learn about the latest regulations facing the industry, looking for outstanding business opportunities to meet decision makers, and enjoy doing business in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Info: Organic Trade Association (USA, Canada & Mexico). www.ota.com www.atoexpo.com Foodshare Open House, Spring Plant Sale & AGM, Annual (May), Toronto. Foodshare works with communities to increase access to affordable & healthy food from field to table. Free. Info: www.foodshare.net 416-392-6653 Native Plant Sale, Annual (May), Toronto. Annual sale offering hundreds of species of native plants & wildflowers under one roof. Add interest & beauty to your garden. Native plants benefit the environment, providing vital food and habitat for indigenous birds, butterflies and other wildlife. They don't require additional watering, fertilizers or harmful chemicals. Plants are grouped by habitat (sun, shade, etc.) for easy selection - no matter how poor your garden conditions seem, we have the perfect plants for you! Native plant experts are available to answer questions; also native plant seeds, books, magazines, info sheets, memberships, more. Free admission, inexpensive plants. Info: North American Native Plant Society nanps@nanps.org 416-631-4438 www.nanps.org www.nanps.org/sale/frame.shtml Herb Fair, Annual (June), Toronto. Medicinal & culinary herbal displays, demos, lectures, children's activity tent, culinary treats, plants & products for sale, organic vegetarian cafe. Free. York Quay Centre, Harbourfront Centre, Queens Quay W. (Harbourfront LRT from Union Stn.). Info: www.herbalists.on.ca/annualherbfair.html www.herbalists.on.ca/events/ www.herbalists.on.ca Feast of Fields, Annual (September), various locations near Toronto (shuttle bus from Toronto). Celebrate the organic harvest with chefs, wineries, breweries & farmers! Imagine strolling through a sweet-smelling field, sampling dozens of the freshest, most succulent organic creations, accompanied by organic local wines & beers. Meet and enjoy the delicacies of 35 chefs. Sample the beverages of 18 wineries and micro-breweries. Purchase organic food and learn about organic agriculture, the environment and fair trade (display stations of 50 organic farmers and non-profits). Live music & entertainment. Funds raised support numerous sustainable food & farming causes. Largest-ever gathering of local organic farmers, chefs, consumers, suppliers, wineries, and like-minded non-profit groups. Rain or shine. Media passes & chef interviews available. www.organicadvocates.org/feast.html www.organicadvocates.org Ottawa Feast of Fields, Annual (September). A feast of local organic food samples - offered by local area chefs renowned for their haute cuisine with a twist. Also: organic wines, beers, teas & coffees. Environmental & social concerns are highlighted on the menu. Last year a crowd of 300 attended. Eating tables: 12-3pm. Silent auction. Wandering entertainers. Help support Canadian Organic Growers! www.cog.ca More organic events in eastern Ontario: www.cog.ca/ottawa/ Canada's Outdoor Farm Show, Annual (September), Woodstock, Ontario. Includes: Eco Expo; Clean Water Expo; more (click on expos). At the U. of Guelph Research Station, in Woodstock (approx. 2hrs west of Toronto). www.outdoorfarmshow.com Eco Expo Clean Water Expo Vegetarian Food Fair, Annual (September), Toronto. A fun-filled weekend celebration, free to the public. Sample a diverse cross-section of vegetarian cuisine and learn more about making healthful, ethical and earth-friendly food choices. New vegetarian products; over 80 exhibits; free food samples; hourly cooking demos; dynamic guest speakers; interactive workshops; great vegetarian meals; children's activities. A dynamic roster of presenters will address a range of issues such as prevention & reversal of disease; biotechnology; ethical & cruelty-free investing; and mind/body wellness. Of interest to vegetarians and everyone else. Each year, over 12,000 people from across Canada, the U.S. & beyond make our Food Fair the largest annual vegetarian event of its kind in North America. Free. Seeking volunteers. York Quay Centre at Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queen's Quay W. Info: Kathleen Farley, Food Fair Coordinator foodfair@veg.ca 416-544-8891 www.veg.ca www.veg.ca/foodfair (Toronto Vegetarian Association) [editor's note: while only a few of the exhibitors and events are specifically organic, there should be much of interest and relevance to organic enthusiasts]. Canadian Health Food Convention & Trade Show, Annual. Feb: Québec. April: Vancouver. September: Toronto. Includes Organic Market-Place. Info: Canadian Health Food Association 905-479-6939 www.chfa.ca www.chfa.ca/conferences.html [from the website, it is not clear which portions of this event are open to the general public; please call them for details] American Community Gardening Association, Annual Conference, location varies (usually USA). 2004 dates & location: Oct 1-3, 2004, Toronto, Canada. Scholarships available. www.communitygarden.org/conf/ www.communitygarden.org Ontario Land Trust Alliance Conference, Annual (October), location varies. www.ontariolandtrustalliance.org [topical links: Open Directory | Google Directory | Protect Farmland, Don't Pave It ] Royal Winter Fair, Annual, (November), Toronto. Includes an "Organic & Natural" section. www.royalfair.org World Organic Trade Fair & Other International Events, Annual (various dates and locations). Info: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). www.ifoam.org/conf/ www.ifoam.org Smaller Annual Events & Courses Friends of Everdale Annual Meeting, Annual (July), Hillsburgh, Ontario. At Everdale, a non-profit learning centre, working organic farm, diverse wildlife habitat, and sustainable technology showcase, one hour northwest of Toronto. Free. Bus & train service to Georgetown. Info/RSVP: www.everdale.org info@everdale.org 519-855-4859 (Everdale Environmental Learning Centre) Permaculture Design Fundamentals, Annual (July, week-long course), near Orangeville, Ontario. Practical training to help you become more self-sufficient in your own life by learning to meet your basic needs for food, shelter, energy, fulfilling employment and supportive community. A whole systems approach to ecological living. Classroom and hands-on experiential learning; personal empowerment work. For backyard gardeners to design professionals. With Gregoire Lamoureux, Richard Griffith, Monica Kuhn. At the Ecology Retreat Centre. Info: Russell 519-941-4560 http://welcome.to/ecorc [topical www.permacultureactivist.net www.permaculture.net ] Ecovillage Network of Canada, Annual (late summer/fall), location varies. Annual gathering of the Ecovillage Network of Canada, facilitating the exchange of ideas and information on healthy, sustainable living in our homes and daily lives. http://enc.ecovillage.org/events.htm http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ecovillage/ Ecovillage Network of Canada: http://enc.ecovillage.org Global Ecovillage Network: www.ecovillage.org Communities Links: www.planetfriendly.net/community.html Seventh Generation Annual Meeting & Social Gathering, Annual (September), Ottawa. Seventh Generation is a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable living practices in the greater Ottawa area to help in the preserving of our beautiful planet and in creating health and well-being for people and our communities. We do this through organizing conferences, workshops, seminars, trade shows and tours; networking and partnering with other like-minded organizations; and supporting and promoting "green" businesses. Free. Info: 613-839-3997 info@seventhgeneration.ca www.seventhgeneration.ca Ongoing Guelph Sustainable Agriculture Forum, Thursdays 11am, Guelph. A student group at the University of Guelph, offering information, ideas and accessibility to sustainable agriculture, organic farming, genetic engineering issues, family farm community, etc. University Centre, Grad Lounge. All welcome. Subscribe to our e-mail list for updates. www.angelfire.com/on4/sustainable/ saf_opirg@yahoo.ca For many more events, see: People- & Planet-Friendly's On-line Calendar; links to Other Calendars; the Learning Centres & Places directory; Protect Farmland, Don't Pave It; and the next section. Please let us know of upcoming events & activities! Organic Calendars many more organic & related events, workshops, conferences Canadian Organic Growers www.cog.ca/news_events/events-calendar/ Mainstream Food, Gardening & Agriculture Calendars Gardening Conferences & Events (mostly mainstream)
Food & Agriculture Conferences & Events
(mostly mainstream) PLEASE LET US KNOW of upcoming organic, ecological & sustainable living events, meetings & activities! We can help spread the word to thousands of interested people. Please use our submission form: www.planetfriendly.net/submit.html your listing will be posted to the on-line calendar within 24-48 hours, and will also be submitted to our e-mail newsletter. |
Transportation to Events
To find out about transportation options, check the event websites or contact the organizers directly (well in advance of the event, if possible). Sometimes they can match you with someone else who is going to the conference. For public transport and other options see: www.planetfriendly.net/living.html#transport |
Please tell them you heard about it at Planetfriendly.net!
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(11) Volunteer, Work Exchange, Barter
Volunteering or Wwoofing on an organic farm or garden can be a wonderful, truly unique experience. There are opportunities for all ages and levels of interest from helping out for one afternoon, to season-long or even year-long apprenticeships. Each farm is unique the land, the people, the work, the lifestyle, the social experience. Develop new skills, make new friends and/or local connections that can lead to paid work. Wwoofing can also be a great way to travel the world. Wwoof gateway, articles & link directory | International WWOOF Association |
World-Wide Orientation to
Organic Farms & Gardens An
amazing diversity of organic farms, gardens and
businesses have opportunities from a few days to a
few months where you can work in exchange for
accomodation, organic home-cooked meals, learning and
fun. Locations across Canada and around the world.
Working/learning opportunities vary from organic farming
& gardening, to cooking, carpentry, business admin,
creative work, childcare, solar power, sustainable living
skills. Everything is negotiated between you and the
host. From solar-powered to strawbale homes, from herbs
to orchards to rare-breed cattle, from swimming holes to
gourmet cooking the variety is endless.
Year-round; all ages. Membership is $30/year; this gets
you a fascinating booklet describing over 400 organic
farms, gardens & businesses across Canada. Also known
as Willing Workers On Organic Farms. What is
Wwoofing? All About
Wwoofing wwoof gateway, articles & link
directory. Wwoof Canada: John Vanden
Heuvel, WWOOF Canada,
4429 Carlson Road, Nelson, BC, Canada, VIL 6X3. Tel.
250-354-4417 (please call Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Pacific Time). Wwoof
USA: Overview
| Organic
Volunteers (online listings) | Wwoof USA | New
England Wwoof (mostly apprenticeships) | Wwoof California Worldwide:
Wwoof.org | How to Join
| Organic
Links & Resources Learning Centres & Places in North America: Sustainable Living Learning / Eco-Experience Centres | Wwoof Gateway | Organic Gateway When you phone a host, be clear about any skills, specific goals or interests you may have, and limitations. Make sure you understand the host's expectations: ask ask lots of questions. See also the "tips" section, at the bottom of this document. For other volunteer, work exchange & barter opportunities, go to your farmers market; browse a festival or trade show; see the learning centres listed below; or contact a farm or organization of interest to you. |
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(12) Learning Centres, Ecovillages & CSA's
There is a growing number of environmental,
ecological, or sustainable living Learning Centres across
Ontario and Canada. Also, ecovillages
around the world serve as living demonstrations of
organic, sustainable living. Participate in a workshop,
volunteer, or inquire about apprenticeship & work
opportunities. Some of these have very active programs,
and a variety of short- or long-term volunteer or barter
opportunities. Their offerings vary greatly from one
centre to another, and from year to year. Workshop
schedules are usually posted on their websites in late
winter or early spring. If you ask to be put on their
e-mail list you'll get occasional updates. Please note that some of these centres are operated from peoples homes, without corporate or government funding. Please be considerate in your requests. Do not contact farm-based centres later than eight or nine in the evening, unless they specify otherwise. They often have very busy lives and are doing this for little or no money. Try to ask not only what they can offer you, but what you can offer them if only willing hands and an open mind. |
Learning Centres
Everdale Environmental Learning Centre (organic; NW of
Toronto, near Hillsburgh) www.everdale.org
Meeting Place Organic Farm (near Lucknow) www.gks.com/organic/mcqufarm/
Seventh Generation Community Projects (with organic Permaculture
gardens; near Ottawa) www.seventhgeneration.ca
Ecology Retreat Centre (annual ten-day permaculture course; NW of
Toronto, near Orangeville) http://welcome.to/ecorc
Circle Sun Farm (ecological farm, co-op & forming landtrust
near Hanover) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goodworkcanada/message/84
and 212
Sun Run Sustainability Centre (near Lindsay/Peterborough) www.lindsaynet.com/sunrun/
New Brunswick:
Falls Brook Centre (includes organic gardens and much
more; new home of Canadian Organic Growers; located in rural New
Brunswick) www.fallsbrookcentre.ca
British Columbia:
Kootenay Permaculture Institute http://www3.telus.net/permaculture/
Many more:
Eco-/Organic Learning Centres & Places (directory
of learning centres across North America) Eco-Experience
See also: World-Wide Orientation to Organic Farms Wwoof Gateway
| Wwoof Canada | Wwoof International
Please tell them you heard about it at
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
What is Community Supported Agriculture? www.eap.mcgill.ca/Indices/Alternative_Agri/AACSA.htm
CSA's across Canada: www.biodynamics.com/canada.html
Eco-Market Database: www.gks.com
(click on "Eco-Market Database", then select
"CSA", click "view records")
CSA's in southern Ontario: www.everdale.org/csa_links.html
Québec: www.equiterre.qc.ca/asc/
CSA's across the USA: www.organicconsumers.org/csa.htm
(see also "Where to Buy Organic", above)
Ecovillages in Canada: http://enc.ecovillage.org/ecovillages.html
, www.planetfriendly.net/community.html
Ecovillages & Learning Centres (USA & worldwide):
www.ic.org/events/ , http://reach.ic.org/search/current.html
. |
(13) Short Courses,
Workshops & Workbees
(see also "Learning Centres", above)
Introduction to Ecological Agriculture. A two-day course, at locations around Ontario. www.efao.ca http://gks.com/efao/events.html , www.oati.com/TrainingOpps/FarmBusinessManagement/county/courses.htm#enviro
Short Courses, Workshops & Workbees in Permaculture, Organic Gardening, Strawbale Construction, etc.
Ontario: www.planetfriendly.net
Toronto area: www.foodshare.net/newsletter_main.htm
(2) http://welcome.to/ecorc www.everdale.org
Ottawa area: www.seventhgeneration.ca
Atlantic Canada: www.acornorganic.org/pages/trainingopportunities.html
Canada: www.planetfriendly.net/calendar/
USA: www.permacultureactivist.net/culturesedge/Culture'sEdge.htm
www.ic.org/events/ www.organicgardening.com/events/
Organic Agriculture Tour of Cuba www.macqueens.com/ibs/
(related: www.google.com/search?q=organic+cuba
Please tell them you heard about it at planetfriendly.net
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(14) Organic Education (post-secondary organic programs & courses)
(A) Post-Secondary Education in
Organic/Sustainable Food and Agriculture in Canada (colleges & universities including local and online courses) Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada "Research & education serving all farmers and students, dedicated to enhancing the environmental and social integrity of agriculture". Offering college/university level web-based courses across Canada. www.organicagcentre.ca Certificate of Specialization in Organic Agriculture, Nova Scotia Agricultural College nsac.ca/cde/courses/DE/Organic/ Ecological Agriculture, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec agrecon.mcgill.ca/ecoagr/ Agriculture Biologique, Universite Laval, Quebec www.fsaa.ulaval.ca/agribio.html and www.ulaval.ca/sg/PR/C1/1.341.00.html Food Security Studies, Ryerson, Toronto, Ontario www.ryerson.ca/foodsecurity/ Organic Agriculture, University of Guelph, Ontario www.organicag.uoguelph.ca
Everdale Organic Farming Certificate everdale.org/farmer-training/organic-farming-certificate/ UW Farm Market, Waterloo, Ontario http://www.foodservices.uwaterloo.ca/uwfarm_market/ Natural Systems Agriculture, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg /www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/naturalagriculture/ Organic Inspector, Assiniboine Community College, Brandon, Manitoba http://public.assiniboine.net/?tabID=84&prgID=69 Richmond Farm School, Richmond, BC www.kwantlen.ca/ish/RFS.html Organic Farming Institute of BC, Similkameen Valley, BC www.ofibc.org Land and Food Systems, UBC, Vancouver BC www.landfood.ubc.ca
Growing Food, Gaia College, BC www.gaiacollege.ca/growing-food.html Food Studies Programs in Canada www.foodstudies.ca/programs.html More Organic Educational Programs & Links (Canada & USA): www.organicag.uoguelph.ca/links/ *** For a more hands-on approach to organic education,
(B) USA Sustainable Agriculture Programs /
Colleges / Universities (C) Industrial/Conventional Agriculture
Colleges & Universities in Canada, USA & Europe (mostly mainstream / not organic) |
. |
(D) Jobs, Apprenticeships, Business Opps. |
. |
(15) Listings of Organic
Farms, Gardens & Businesses
(note: for listings of where to buy
organic, including farms & gardens, see section 2, above)
To find farms, gardens or businesses that might have work or volunteer opportunities, try these links. Then call them up and ask what's available, and what their needs are. Consider doing an information interview with the farmer/gardener, to learn about how he/she got started, etc. This can be done by phone or in person, if arranged in advance. To find farms & gardens in your area: |
Canada: www.cog.ca/about_organics/buy_organics/
Ontario: www.organicadvocates.org/guide.html
(printed booklet or pdf format)
Ontario: www.organiclandscape.org/serviceproviders.htm
(organic landscaping & lawncare)
Atlantic Canada: www.acornorganic.org/pages/databaseregional.html
New Brunswick: www.fallsbrookcentre.ca/Programs/Agriculture/BigRed/Big%20Red%20organic%20sourcebook.htm
North America: www.permaculture.net/apd/index.html
North America & worldwide: http://directory.google.com/Top/Shopping/Food/Organic/
Directory of Organics in Canada
published by Canadian Organic Growers (COG),
2002 edition. Available as a free download from: www.cog.ca/directory/
To order print copies of the directory, please contact:
Canadian Organic Growers, 125 South Knowlesville Road,
Knowlesville, New Brunswick E7L 1B1 email: office@cog.ca The
directory includes: * Contacts for COG Board and Chapters
* All current legitimate Certifying Bodies in Canada (and
their logos so that consumers may recognize them) * Many
certified organic producers, processors, distributors and
retailers * Education, training and apprenticeship
opportunities across Canada * Organic research *
Conferences * Seed sources * Related non-government
organizations * Government contacts and important
publications * Current statistics on certified organic
producers and organic acreage in Canada. www.cog.ca Wwoof organizations in Canada and around the world, have listings of farms, gardens & businesses who are seeking "wwoofers" and/or apprentices. Some of these could also lead to paid positions or other opportunities: World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms & Gardens An amazing diversity of organic farms, gardens and businesses have opportunities from a few days to a few months where you can work in exchange for accomodation, organic home-cooked meals, learning and fun. Locations across Canada and around the world. Working/learning opportunities vary from organic farming & gardening, to cooking, carpentry, business admin, creative work, childcare, solar power, sustainable living skills. Everything is negotiated between you and the host. From solar-powered to strawbale homes, from herbs to orchards to rare-breed cattle, from swimming holes to gourmet cooking the variety is endless. Year-round; all ages. Membership is $30/year; this gets you a fascinating booklet describing over 400 organic farms, gardens & businesses across Canada. Also known as Willing Workers On Organic Farms. Also known as Willing Workers On Organic Farms. What is Wwoofing? All About Wwoofing wwoof gateway, articles & link directory. Wwoof Canada: John Vanden Heuvel, WWOOF Canada, 4429 Carlson Road, Nelson, BC, Canada, VIL 6X3. Tel. 250-354-4417 (please call Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Pacific Time). Wwoof USA: Overview | Organic Volunteers (online listings) | Wwoof USA | New England Wwoof (mostly apprenticeships) | Wwoof California Worldwide: Wwoof.org | How to Join | Organic Links & Resources | Sustainable Living Learning Centres across North America |
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
What is Community Supported Agriculture? www.eap.mcgill.ca/Indices/Alternative_Agri/AACSA.htm
CSA's across Canada: www.biodynamics.com/canada.html
Eco-Market Database: www.gks.com
(click on "Eco-Market Database", then select
"CSA", click "view records")
CSA's in southern Ontario: www.everdale.org/csa_links.html
Québec: www.equiterre.qc.ca/asc/
CSA's across the USA: www.organicconsumers.org/csa.htm
(see also "Where to Buy Organic", above)
. |
(16) Organic Jobs, Apprenticeships & Volunteering
Organic Jobs in Canada and Beyond (organic
gardening & farming, sustainable agriculture, local food,
CSA, etc.)
GoodWork Canada www.GoodWorkCanada.ca
(search for food,
Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada www.organicagcentre.ca |
City Farmer (Canada & US) www.cityfarmer.org/jobs.html
Organic Volunteers (USA, Latin America) www.organicvolunteers.com
(click "employment")
More Organic Jobs:
Organic Networks & Organizations (their
websites & publications sometimes have jobs): see Section
8, Organizations, above
Green/environmental job boards also carry some organic and
related opportunities, see Green-Jobs.ca
Google search for organic
jobs, organic
job, "organic
jobs" canada, "organic
job" canada, "organic
employment", etc.
(try also phrases such as "sustainable
agriculture" jobs, "urban
agriculture" jobs, "food
security" jobs, "gardening
jobs", etc.)
Agriculture Jobs/Employment (mostly
mainstream and industrial agriculture):
Google Search: agriculture jobs | agriculture jobs canada |
Google Directory Agricultural Employment in
General purpose sites sometimes also have
agriculture jobs: Google.ca search: Jobs | Employment Google Directory: Job Search
Organic Internships &
Apprenticeships (organic gardening, farming, sustainable
Across Canada: GoodWork Canada goodworkcanada.ca/gw.php?theme=food
SOIL Apprenticeships Canada Stewards Of Irreplaceable Land
Ontario: CRAFT Ontario: www.craftontario.ca
and FarmLink Ontario http://farmlink.net/
Atlantic Canada: ACORN www.acornorganic.org/training.html
New Brunswick Organic Farm Apprenticeship Program www.fallsbrookcentre.ca/agriculture/apprenticeships.htm
Manitoba Organic Farm Mentorship Program organicfoodcouncil.org
Alberta Sustainable Agriculture Apprenticeship startfarming.switchwebsites.com/
USA & Beyond:
ATTRA: USA & Canada: attrainternships.ncat.org
(see also www.attra.org)
Organic Internships & Volunteers: USA: www.organicvolunteers.org
MOFGA: Maine, USA www.mofga.org
NEWOOF: New England, USA www.smallfarm.org/newoof/
Hawaii Organic Farm Apprentice Program www.hawaiiorganicfarmers.org/appren.htm
Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association: USA www.biodynamics.com/resources
Draft Animal Farming & Logging Apprenticeships: USA &
Canada www.ruralheritage.com/apprenticeship/
WWOOF: www.wwoofinternational.org
www.wwoof.org Wwoof links,
articles & resources: planetfriendly.net/wwoof.html
Organic Volunteering
Some of the Apprenticeship and Internship sites listed above
also list volunteer opportunities. See also Section 11 above, as
well as the WWOOF
gateway, and the Organic Organizations listed in Section 8,
Please tell them you found it at Planetfriendly.net!
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(17) Tips for apprentices, wwoofers, volunteers & job seekers
We are seeking career tips, information, articles, and statistics on where there is the highest demand for organic employees, gardeners, farmers and entrepreneurs in Canada and/or the USA. By "where", we mean: what kinds of roles, in what kinds of businesses or organizations? We are planning to write an article (and possibly a directory of links & resources) on how and where to find work in organics. Any information is welcome! Contact Us |
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Plus a few more featured items...
Protect and Preserve the Land
you Love Do you
care about the land? Is there a special place, public or
private, that you want to help protect? Do you want it to
be green, healthy and sustainable? This page is a gateway
to ideas, information and resources that can help you
protect and preserve the land you love today, and
for future generations. Whether you own private land or
public land as all citizens do you will
find useful information here. www.planetfriendly.net/property/stewardship.html FoodShare At FoodShare we work on food issues "from field to table" - meaning that we focus on the entire system that puts food on our tables: from the growing, processing and distribution of food to its purchasing, cooking and consumption. We operate several innovative grassroots projects that promote healthy eating, teach food preparation and cultivation, develop community capacity and create non-market-based forms of food distribution. Public education on food security issues is a big part of our mandate: we create and distribute resources, organize training workshops and facilitate of networks and coalitions. We believe that food is vital to the health of individuals and communities, and that access to good, healthy food is a basic human right. FoodShare promotes policies such as adequate social assistance rates, sustainable agriculture, universal funding of community-based programs and nutrition education that will make food a priority at all levels of society. www.foodshare.net (based in Toronto, Canada) links: www.foodsecurity.org Tangled Routes Women, Work & Globalization on the Tomato Trail (book). Where does our food come from? The fact that we even have to raise this simple question raises many other questions. Very few of us in the northern hemisphere have any sense at all of the processes that bring food to our table, nor of the people who grow it, process it, and move it along the way. The tomato is a perfect "entree" to a process of cross-border research and popular education around the complex pheneomenon and often confusing concept of globalization. This book stems from a five year commitment to research, education and action called the Tomasita Project. It traces the tomato trail from a Mexican farm field to a Canadian supermarket; examines the significance of fast food chain McDonald's and Loblaw's supermarket conglomerate; looks at workers who serve the global food system, a trucker and a migrant picker in Ontario; and at the role and position of women within the Mexican agroexport industry The experiences of women workers in different sectors of the food chain between North & South are examined. The book concludes with alternatives and a framework for "the other globalization" through collective action and transnational coalitions. By Deborah Barndt, Garamond Press, 2002. ISBN 1-55193-042-0 $35. www.garamond.ca/Barndt.html www.yorku.ca/fes/faculty/barndt/ www.coolwomen.org/coolwomen/cwsite.nsf/vwWeek/ (click on "Barndt, Deborah) www.mindfully.org/WTO/5-Environmental-Reasons-FTAA.htm [food & diversity links: www.ryerson.ca/~foodsec/fooddiv/ ] Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply (book). By Vandana Shiva, world renowned environmental thinker and leader, physicist, winner of the Alternative Nobel Peace Prize. Available at www.southendpress.org/books/stolen.shtml Orders: 800-533-8478. Sonia Shah or Alexandra Etheridge, South End Press 617-547-4002. Progressive booksellers: www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#books Big bookstores: www.chapters.indigo.ca www.amazon.com Related: www.vshiva.net www.smallisbeautiful.org/shiva.html Farmageddon: Food & the Culture of Biotechnology the latest book by food system analyst Brewster Kneen. By the same author: From Land to Mouth: Understanding the Food System (2nd ed.), more. www.ramshorn.bc.ca/Books.html www.ramshorn.bc.ca Sustainable Living Links
"sustainable living" includes organics,
renewable energy, non-toxic home & garden
alternatives, alternative construction, etc. Organic Food, Gardening &
Agriculture Search Engine Links Peter Blanchard (contact) |
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on this document are paid advertising, although a few have made
donations in support of this service. If you find
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listing, please consider making a donation.
Everything Organic! a comprehensive directory of links to everything organic, organized and annotated for your convenience. For consumers, business people, gardeners, farmers, students, job-seekers. Everything from where to get organic food... to gardening tips & information... events, workshops, courses and educational programs... jobs, volunteer and business opportunities. Includes lists of organizations and websites; directories of farms, gardens & businesses; books & magazines; much more. Related topics include permaculture; sustainable living; food security; sustainable agriculture; community supported agriculture, Wwoofing; learning centres and ecovillages. www.planetfriendly.net/organic.html |
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Copyright (c) 2006 by Peter Blanchard. All rights reserved. This copyright protects Peter's right to future publication of his work. Nonprofit, activist, and educational groups may circulate this document (forward it, reprint it, translate it, post it, or reproduce it) for nonprofit uses. Please do not change any part of it without permission. Please keep this copyright notice with it. Readers are invited to visit the original document: www.planetfriendly.net/organic.html |
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with no paid advertising, government
or corporate funding. Supported only by your donations: www.planetfriendly.net/donate.html
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