Greener, Healthier,
Gifts for the Whole Year
(a People- &
Planet-Friendly Portal & Guide)
![]() (A) A Christmas That Doesn't Kill Christmas is supposed to be a time of peace and togetherness. But all too often, greed, haste and superficiality are the hallmarks of the season. Would you buy a gift if you knew it was made in a sweatshop, or by slave labour? Or a gift that was made by a company that is squandering resources, polluting the planet and paying for neither? What about a gift that could damage the recipient's health and happiness? There are plenty of gifts that do all of the above. The good news is that there are better alternatives, for those who look. Gifts that go deeper than the shiny paper wrapping. Gifts that respect our neighbours, near and far. And alternatives to gift-giving that can build friendship, community and well-being. This special edition of the People- & Planet-Friendly offers some alternatives to the unthinking consumer frenzy that is Christmas today. If we only think a bit more about why and what we buy; focus more on services and less on products; and seek more mature ways of showing our love, pride and status – we will all be better off. Below you will find a wide variety of gift ideas and activities for the whole year, from beeswax to bicycles, from wildflowers to wwoofing. The emphasis is on green, healthy, ethical and fairly traded products and services. Of course, just because a product is labeled "green" doesn't say much. Be sure to read the label, look for organic or fair trade certification, ask where it came from, how it was made, what the ingredients are. If the package doesn't say or the vendor isn't reputable, don't buy it. Have a green, happy and sustainable holiday! – Peter Blanchard (contact) P.S. While some of the examples below are in Toronto, if you follow the links you will often be able to find them anywhere in North America, especially if you are open to mail order or on-line shopping. Note: the listings in this document are not paid advertising. Please tell them you saw it at! (B) Green Places To Shop (across Canada, local and on-line) Grassroots. "Behind every product sold at Grassroots is a story. Not only are these stories about the environment, but they are stories about small eco-friendly companies that we are proud to support". Here are just a few ideas. Book Deal: two outstanding books for only $9.99 (original value $42). (1) Get a Life "how to make a good buck, dance around the dinosaurs and save the world while you're at it" and (2) Real Food For a Change "how the simple act of eating can boost your health & energy, knock out stress, revive your community and clean up the planet". Other ideas: great posters and postcards, including "How to Build Community" and "Going Organic" ($2-$25). Lots of great books, including titles on organic gardening, healthy homes, self reliance ($12 & up). VideoActive4, a compendium of fifteen diverse activist films and videos from across the hemisphere ($27). Peace calendar ($23). Also: organic cotton and hemp clothing; beeswax candles; bath salts; unbleached, recycled papers; battery-free dynamo or solar flashlights and radios; cooperative games; much more. Stocking stuffers: bumper stickers ($1-$2); great magazines ($5 & up). Gift certificates are available in any denomination. What else is great about Grassroots? Bulk or packaged non-toxic household cleaning and personal care products; great bulletin board of environmental and activist news & events; bikeshare hub; lending library (books, videos, articles); used battery & Britta filter drop-off; accepts clean plastic bags and containers for reuse; fun, creative workshops monthly (subscribe to their monthly e-mail newsletter). Also on their site: The Christmas Tree Debate: Real or False; gift wrapping alternatives; upcoming events. Grassroots is involved and supportive of the environmental community. Grassroots Environmental Products 372 Danforth Ave. at Chester subway (416-466-2841) and 408 Bloor W. at Brunswick (416-944-1993) or toll free 1-888-633-5833 Green Stores & Products across Canada
& USA Green Shopping (on-line & mail order) Progressive Bookstores across Canada & USA
(including mail order & on-line shopping) Books on organic food, gardening, landscaping
& agriculture: Mountain Equipment Co-op – "Canada's leading supplier of quality outdoor gear & clothing". I cannot say enough about these stores. I would shop there even if the same product was available elsewhere for less. Their commitment to quality greatly exceeds what can be found elsewhere. The staff are highly knowledgeable and are actually there to help you – rather than push some useless product at you. Their products are geared to healthy, environmentally-friendly activities: hiking, cycling, camping, paddling, skiing, etc. What else is great about MEC? Outstanding store warranty. Repairs. Rentals. Buy & sell bulletin board (plus annual swap events). Battery return service. Supportive of local groups & charities. Miles above the competition, who tend to offer the glitz but not the substance. MEC is a consumer co-operative, "driven by our member's needs and values rather than the financial drive to maximize profit". Locations in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal (spring 2003), Halifax, plus on-line shopping. Lifetime membership is $5. Gift certificates $10 to $100. Toronto store: King St., just east of Spadina, 416-340-2667 (To learn more about co-ops, including listings of all kinds of co-ops across Canada, see: ). |
![]() (C) Green, Healthy & Ethical Gift Ideas Good Food Box or CSA Membership,
approx. $10-$30/week (across Canada) Fair Trade Handicrafts (North America) Fair Trade Coffee & Tea (Toronto)
Fair Trade Stores & Cafes across
Fair Trade Gift Suggestions Green Events, Outings, Films, Workshops,
Courses. Choose an event that is social,
educational and fun. Pre-register, buy tickets (if
available), or write a gift certificate on a Christmas
card). If the event isn't scheduled yet, do it anyway! Seeds of Diversity – get, plant
and save seeds for our future! Green Garden Visit $50 (Toronto) 416-781-7663 Composter ($15 and up) at hardware stores or Gardening Books (see section on books, below) What's Up? South! World Map, Laminated Green Power – Renewable Energy Save Energy & Money (across Canada) Autoshare Membership 416-340-7888 Bikeshare Membership $25 (Toronto) 416-504-2918 Bicycles – Used, Reconditioned & New Non-Toxic Cleaning service (Toronto)
Green Tourism Guidebook (Toronto) $17
Buy It Used – Yearning after the
new, shiny and stylish is a trap, a rat race. Consuming
is false economy. It can be fun and empowering to go the
other way – buy used! Be proud of used, recycled or
handed-down items.
("second hand stores", "bicycles",
Learning Centres & Places – Directory of organic & environmental learning centres across North America. A gift certificate, paid workshop or getaway could make a fun and unique gift. A diversity of places where people of all ages and backgrounds can gain new experiences, skills and inspiration. Includes ecological farms & gardens, strawbale & solar-powered homes, organic food co-ops, nature retreats, resource centres, environmental education centres, environmental stores, wilderness trips, ecovillages, university programmes, more. Guided tours, demonstrations, workshops, courses, outdoor activities, school programs, volunteer/barter opportunities, apprenticeships, site rentals. Wwoof Membership – Wwoofing is a terrific, healthy and highly affordable way to travel, learn about sustainable living and organic gardening – or just to have a healthy retreat from the city. When you join Wwoof Canada, you get a fascinating booklet describing over 400 farms, gardens and businesses across Canada ($30). Memberships are also available in many other countries. The basic idea behind Wwoofing is that you help out in return for accommodation, meals and instruction. Each location is unique. Everything is negotiated between you and the host – it's up to you to call prospective hosts, and decide whether your needs and expectations match those of the host. To learn more about Wwoofing around the world: Sustainable Living Directory – The most comprehensive sustainable living directory in North America. Many great products, services and things you can do, including links to many great gift ideas. Also books, travel, courses & events, health, recreation, much more. Buy a gift certificate or booking, or write your own and give it to a friend. People- & Planet-Friendly Supporters. Please visit the websites of the organizations that support People- & Planet-Friendly! They offer a variety of great products, services and memberships. Donate to Your Favourite Group. Here
are some links to a wide variety of groups: People- & Planet-Friendly Donation. For less than the money that you could spend on a night on the town, you can pitch in and support the Planet-Friendly for an entire year. Or, why not make a gift of the Planet-Friendly: give a donation in the name of someone who shares your concerns. (D) Books & Videos Progressive Bookstores Across Canada & USA
(including mail order & on-line shopping) Books on organic food, gardening, landscaping
& agriculture: Green & Progressive Booksellers –
Mail Order & On-Line Specific Books David Suzuki The Sacred Balance
Food, Gardening & Agriculture Eco Foods Guide
Health & Environment Having Faith: An Ecologist's Journey to Motherhood
Other Books Straw Bale Building
No-Nonsense Guides ($16.00 each) No-Nonsense Guide to the Arms Trade The War Against the Third World ($10 US)
Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine (across
Canada, ongoing screenings). Bullfrog Films – "the leading US publisher of independently-produced, environmental videos, that point the way to living healthily, happily, and with greater concern for the other inhabitants of this planet, and for our descendants". Order by mail, fax, phone or on-line. 1-800-543-3764 or 610-779-8226 Film & Video Links
(E) Magazine Subscriptions Here is an eclectic list of magazines that offer inspiring and informative reading on People- & Planet-Friendly topics. Don't forget to take editions you're finished with to the doctor's waiting room or other public place where they will be read by others. Note that many "print publications" make varying amounts of their content available on their websites. Canadian publications are indicated by an asterisk*. Don't know where to start? Some of the lighter, more general interest publications are indicated in bold. Print Publications Activist* Web & E-mail Publications Biodemocracy News
Progressive Bookstores Across Canada & USA (many
have great magazine racks) (F) Ideas, Activities & Alternatives to Gifts Here are some thoughts on how to save time and money, build friendships, strengthen community, help each other, and have a great time! Better Ways to Give
Alternatives to Giving Physical Gifts
Better Ways to Buy If you must buy gifts:
Related Links & Resources Ethical Gifts
(this page) The Planet-Friendly Directory (G) Top Five Gifts Not To Buy Perfume. Many perfumes contain
chemicals that can trigger allergic reactions. Perfume is
increasingly cited as a trigger for asthma, allergies and
migraine headaches, including potentially serious
reactions. Anyone in your building or vicinity can be
affected. There is no mandatory disclosure of perfume
ingredients. "Natural" perfumes, including
"essential oils" are not necessarily any
better. There are plenty of other ways to make oneself
attractive, rather than falling for marketer's appeals to
our fears of inadequacy, vanity and discomfort with our
own bodies. Many other products also contain perfumes
– buy unscented products whenever possible. For an
excellent article this topic, see Natural Life Magazine's
"Spraying Yourself With Toxic Chemicals is Not
Clothes That Need Dry Cleaning. Most cleaners use a controversial chemical called perchloroethylene. It is potentially harmful to their staff, customers and neighbours. It's also a waste of time and money. So stop trying to keep up with the Jones and wear something more healthy! Battery-Operated Toys. The
ingredients of batteries are highly toxic. They should be
disposed in a toxic waste site. Most people don't bother
– this can lead to contamination of drinking water
and crops. For the most part, there's simply no need for
it. There are often more healthy, creative and
intelligent things for kids – and adults – to
do without batteries. A New Car. Cars are traps: they are bad for your health, your finances – and your children's chances of survival. The average Canadian spends over $7,000 per year on personal automobile transportation, all expenses included. The time you spend working to pay for your car, maintain it, insure it, etc., is a waste of your life. For urban dwellers at least, there usually are better alternatives, even in today's car-dominated society. Be creative: try a combination of public transit, walking, cycling, car-sharing, car-pooling, renting, telecommuting, flex-hours, job-sharing. Work as close as you can to where you live, and choose or create recreational activities in your area. If more of us did this, lots of alternatives would arise as the market began to respond. Television. Televisions sedate people. They turn brains to tapioca, bellies to mush. They turn entire lives into missed opportunities. TV's are a cheap escape, a controlled hypnosis. Like any addiction, the more we do it, the worse things get and the more we feel we "need" the thing we're addicted to. Things that once were natural for us to enjoy – reading, conversation, exercise, thought – no longer are. Even in small doses, TV alters one's perceptions and behaviour and steals time from the more important and enjoyable aspects of life. It's not so much a matter of the quality of the programming. The medium itself is hypnotic, non-interactive and socially unbalanced. Tired? – sleep. Bored? – read a book. Stessed? – take a hot shower. Energy to burn? – go for a walk. Lonely? – call a friend, or make plans for tomorrow. There's almost always something better than TV ...if only you don't turn it on! Do not give a television to anyone you wish to see thrive and grow. (H) What Are The
Alternatives? Physical & Mental Health Healthy Community Sustainable Living Learning, Growing, Participating Finding Good Work Rights, Citizenship & Activism Corporate Accountability & Green Economics People- & Planet-Friendly | GoodWork Canada | |