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Environmental Groups & Organizations in Canada
See also: Environmental Organizations in Canada (revised)
A guide to environmental
directories, portals and networks in Canada and beyond. A
great starting point to find environmental groups,
organizations, people, places, activities, news,
information and opportunity. (A)
Networks in Canada Revised: Environmental & Conservation Jobs · Environmental Events · Environmental Volunteering The Canadian Environment Network and its regional affiliates are comprehensive networks of nonprofit environmental organizations in Canada. Their websites, publications, networking and referral services offer an open door to the environmental community in Canada. Canadian Environmental Network (CEN) Canada's national network of environmental nonprofit organizations (ENGO's). Works together with eleven regional affiliate networks, most of which have their own websites, directories and referral services. The CEN itself occasionally publishes the Green List, a printed guide to Canadian environmental organizations and agencies. A weekly e-bulletin is available on their website. They also coordinate thematic caucuses, public consultations and an annual conference. rcen.ca Provincial Environment Networks in Canada Alberta Environmental Network | British Columbia Environmental Network | Manitoba Eco-Network | New Brunswick Environmental Network | Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Network | Nova Scotia Environmental Network | Ontario Environment Network | Prince Edward Island Eco-Net | Organismes environnementaux quebec (more) | Saskatchewan Eco-Network | Yukon Environmental Network (previous) | Northwest Territories | Nunavut Youth Environmental Network (YEN) "strives to connect Canadian youth environmental groups from coast to coast to coast". Links to youth environmental groups. Also: resources on starting a youth group, fundraising, communications. www.yen-rej.org (see also: Environmental Search Guide scroll down to Youth). |
Other Environmental Portals & Directories in Canada The following portals and directories are offered by a variety of organizations in Canada and beyond. People & Planet and GoodWork Canada directories and guides on major environmental themes: Jobs, Internships & Volunteering | Climate Change | Energy | Water | Sustainable Forestry | Health & Environment | Sustainable & Organic Agriculture | Conservation | Green Building | Permaculture | Sustainable Living | Environmental Education | Parks, Outdoors & Nature | Environmental Elections & Politics | Sustainable Transportation | Sustainable Recreation | Green Gifts | Greening of Business | Peace | Media | Faith & Sustainability | More. Also: Green Jobs in Canada | Green Events Calendar. www.planetfriendly.net The Green Pages Canadian environmental resource directories, book reviews, events, action alerts, news. www.thegreenpages.ca Environmental Search Guide thematic guide to searching with major Ontario and Canadian directories and portals. www.planetfriendly.net/ecosearch.html or www.oen.ca/dir/searchguide.html Special Purpose Environmental Directories & Portals Green Communities Canada Green Communities Canada is a national network of community-based non-profit organizations that deliver innovative environmental programs and services, with a focus on household and community action. Formerly known as the Green Communities Association. www.gca.ca Sustainable Living Links products, services, resources and ideas for home, work and school. Canada, USA and beyond. www.planetfriendly.net/living.html Community Greening & Naturalization Projects Learn about how people across Canada are making their schools, homes and communities greener; find volunteer opportunities in your community; share information about your project. www.evergreen.ca Nature Network directory of nature groups across Ontario. Network | Map: (see also Parks, Outdoors & Nature links) PollutionWatch directory of polluters across Canada, searchable by first two or three letters of your postal code; provides list of facilities, pollutants and health effects. www.pollutionwatch.org www.pollutionwatch.org/about.do USA: www.scorecard.org www.ebic.org Corpwatch: www.planetfriendly.net/business.html#links Green Maps printed and digital maps that identify, promote and link ecological and social resources: Green Maps Around the World | Green Maps of North American Cities, Towns & Regions | Toronto | Ottawa | Kingston | Guelph | Waterloo | Montreal | Yarmouth | Calgary | Victoria. Environmental, topographic and other maps: The State of Canada's Ecosystems | Maps & Satellite Photos of Ontario | Canadian Topographic Maps | Canadian Air Photo Library | Atlas of the Biosphere (downloadable) | National Geographic Maps | Maps in Canada | Maps and Mapping Links & Resources | State of the World Environmental Events directory of calendars of environmental events, courses, workshops and activities, broken down by location. (See also the Planetfriendly Calendar). Environmental Volunteering Canadian green/environmental volunteer board PlanetVolunteer.net Green Jobs in Canada GoodWork Canada, Canada's green job site since 2001. GoodWorkCanada.ca Sustainability Network helping environmental nonprofits become more effective and efficient. Services, events, workshops, publications, online info. sustain.web.ca (click "Capacity Building Tools" for many online and off-line resources and services). Environmental Studies Programmes in Canada a directory of undergraduate and graduate environmental studies programmes at universities across Canada. AlternativesJournal.ca (click "resources") (see also Learning Centres & Places | Books | Bookstores | Magazines | Libraries | Environmental & Alternative Media) Resource Library for the Environment and the Law Over 23,000 titles, including 2,000 topical research files. The collection reflects the multidisciplinary nature of many environmental issues, including both environmental law and policy, as well as information on fields ranging from environmental science and technology to community education and participation. Areas of particular strength include environmental assessment, environmental law, forestry, Great Lakes, land use, pesticides, toxic substances, trade issues, environmental health, waste management and water quality. Located in the offices of the Canadian Environmental Law Association, 130 Spadina Avenue, Suite 301, Toronto. Homepage | Catalogue Search | www.ecolawinfo.org PlanetVote Canada election, politics and government portal with a focus on peace and environment. Includes a directory of resources, government, watchdog organizations, websites, media, discussion forum and e-mail list. Covers federal, Ontario provincial and municipal elections. www.planetvote.net Ethno-Cultural Organizations and The Environment Ontario survey and directory. Downloadable PDF document: sustain.web.ca/cbt/pdf/Directory_2001.pdf (2). Ethnicity Links Social Justice & Anti-Poverty Groups in Ontario (2) and Canada Environment Industry Directories This section is primarily concerned with environmental industry companies and government agencies that provide solutions for municipal, commercial and industrial systems (e.g. waste disposal, water treatment). For consumer and family-oriented businesses, products and services, see section (B) above (Sustainable Living, Eco-Retailers, Organics, Green Gifts); Green Communities; and the Local & Regional section, below. Ontario Environment Business Directory searchable online and downloadable as a PDF file. www.envirodirectory.on.ca (See also the Ontario Environment Industry Association www.oneia.ca). Canadian Environmental Directory "everything you need to access
the Canadian environmental industry"
libraries and resource centres; trade shows &
conferences; environmental law firms; provincial/federal
acts and regulations; major Canadian companies with key
environmental contacts. Available in print, CD-ROM or
downloadable PDF format. www.mmltd.com/news/Enviroment.htm www.micromedia.ca/Directories/Environment.htm Links page: http://circ.micromedia.ca/hotlinks/environmental/main.htm Canadian Environmental Directory (CED) published quarterly, includes "environmental consultants; eco-friendly companies; environmental lawyers; products and services; conservation organizations; environment media; recycling groups; government departments; manufacturers; policy and legislative analysis; associations and activists; website index. Easily accessed using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel." Annual subscription fee: $297 US. www.infosourcegroup.com/P8-ced.htm Environmental Products &
Services (mostly
USA) More Environmental Directories & Portals Canada: USA &
International: More:
(Canada, USA & International) "Realizing that communication and information are increasingly dependent on networked digital information, community activists all over the world often in collaboration with government agencies, non-profits, or businesses are developing community computer network systems. These projects, generally called community networks, are free or very inexpensive to use and, unlike commercial systems whose primary aim is to make a profit, the primary aim of community networks is to support the local community." www.scn.org/ip/commnet/ Web Networks (Canada) www.web.net (community directory, news & events) Community Network Movement www.scn.org/ip/commnet/ Also related: Search by Location Many of the directories and portals listed above can be searched by location. For example, the Ontario Environmental Directory includes a search form that lets you search by city/town, postal code, area code or region of Ontario. A quick keyword search achieves similar results. Or try these direct links to communities and regions of Ontario. Similarly, the P&PF Calendar can be searched by location. The Directory of Calendars is also broken down by location. OEN Regional Networking the Ontario Environment Network's new Regional Networking initiative: Eastern Ontario | Central Ontario | Southwestern Ontario | Golden Horseshoe / Niagara Penisula | Northeastern Ontario | Northwestern Ontario | Greater Toronto Area Local Directories (within Ontario) here are some direct links to local directories and resources. This is by no means a complete list, although it may grow with time:
Cities, Towns, Counties and Regions (Ontario and Canada) These directories are from the Open Directory Project, the largest human-edited directory of the web. Some of the localities include local Science & Environment sections. Also related: local sections on Government, Society & Culture, Transportation, Education, Health and Business & Economy.
(C) Internet Directories & Search Engines - Environment Open Directory Project - Environment "the largest, most
comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web;
constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of
volunteer editors." www.dmoz.org/Society/Issues/Environment/ Canada & Ontario: www.dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/Science_and_Environment/ Google Directory - Environment http://dmoz.org/Society/Issues/Environment/ Canada & Ontario: http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/Science_and_Environment/ Social Issues &
Activism - Links & Directories www.idealist.org www.dmoz.org/Society/Issues/ (2) www.dmoz.org/Society/Activism/ (2) www.dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/Canada/Society_and_Culture/Politics/Issues/ (2) More Internet Directories
& Search Engines www.dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Searching/ [Editor's note: Google is a for-profit corporation. Its directory section is based on the Open Directory Project, "the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web, constructed and maintained by a vast global community of volunteer editors", which can be accessed directly at www.dmoz.org. The creation and support of independent directories, portals and lists is important for freedom of speech and democracy. Public events, face-to-face networking, volunteering and activism are of equal or greater importance]. |
(D) Environmental & Alternative Media Environmental & Alternative Media Guide www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html Environmental Book Publishers, Catalogues, Bookstores, Libraries www.planetfriendly.net/gifts.html#booksvideos Environmental Magazines www.planetfriendly.net/gifts.html#magazines Environmental Film & Video www.planetfriendly.net/voices.html#filmvideo Daily Environmental News
Help spread the word! Please link to: Environmental Portals, Directories and Networks in Canada and beyond. We also encourage you to reprint any part of this page in your newsletter, e-mail list, website or other publication, as long as appropriate credit is given, including a link back to this page. Compiled by Peter Blanchard for publication on People & Planet, the Ontario Environment Network and other websites by permission. |
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